大学英语作文 人文科学的好处 Since I was an elementary school student,I have been doing a great deal of reading and writing.I like philosophy,politics,and science as well as fairy tales.I study history carefully,especially the history about our own people and country.It is always enjoyable to sit on the grass in an open sir place reading my books.It is quite natural and clear to me that my major in college will be one of the humanities.I imagine that a career in teaching humanities will be challenging and attractive.One day when I hold conversations with young students in classroom or any place,we will discuss a philosophy of life,ways of thinking,the idea of democracy,ideas of right and wrong,and ideas of beauty.
关于学习的重要性的英文演讲稿 大一水平 Why do we attend university?英语演讲稿【By Kaiser3344】Hello everyone.Now we have entered the gate of university.I believe everyone feels that our lives in the university will be very beautiful.But do you think that why we attend university?Maybe most of us think we go to college to be educated,to become a scholar,or to be usefulto the society when we complete our study.Of couse,this is true,but I think it is than that.We go to universitynot only to study,but also to prepare ourselves for the real world.I think it is the most important.University lives provide us many activities and they can teach us how to handle the relationship between different people.This is very helpful to our future.In college,someone may go to extremes.One kind of students like study,but they never take part in anyactivities.Another kind of perple are fond of attending activities,but they study very little.I thinkthese two kind of students are not intellegent.I assume we must find a balance 。
孩子在幼儿园学习双语有哪些好处? 如果说,语言是通往世界的大门,那么学习多种语言的好处,就是让孩子多了几种认知世界的方式。双语教育不仅可以让孩子受到两种语言的训练,学习到更全面的技能和交流方式。更重要的是,双语教育可以让孩子学习到两种语言背后的思维方式,和语言文化,这非常有利于孩子大脑的思维能力和智力能力的开发。尤其是在孩子小的时候,甚至幼儿园时期,就可以对孩子进行不刻意地训练和熏陶,时间一长,孩子就能慢慢吸收。随着孩子不断长大,孩子除了收获了宝贵的技能,为自己日后的发展增添砝码。孩子还学会了,不同语言国家的人的不同的思考方式,中国人和西方说英语国家人为什么表达方式会不同,为什么他们会这样想,我们会这样想,孩子的思维和思路则更加开阔,多面。研究和实践表面,孩子在3岁之前是学习外语的最佳时期,在这期间,家长和老师需要给孩子营造一个非常好的语言学习环境:首先,让孩子多听,此时孩子的耳朵对不同的声音和新鲜的东西非常敏感,可以给孩子放一些浅显易懂的英文歌曲,让孩子熟悉语言。此时,孩子虽然无法完整地模仿出来,但是已经潜移默化地吸收和熟悉了这种语境。其次,除了听觉上的刺激,视觉上的训练也非常有必要,让孩子看一些生动,可爱的动画或。
哪些比较好的英语学习软件? 先上一张“全家福”(前方多图请注意)各种英语学习或者和英语有关的软件下载过不少,有时因为手机内存不…
关于为什么要学习英语的英语演讲就写写学习英语的好处 英语是国际化语言也是最广泛的语言,旅游时,英语能帮助你在各国与别人交流,表达自己的看法,迷路时也能开口问人,无论是点餐还是购物,都必不可少。会别人的母语才能让别人聊天的时候打开心扉。学习英语还能让你更客观,更广的学习外国文化,书籍翻译多多少少会有不准确,主观的意见。学习别人的语言的同时还会了解当地文化,为什么这样说呢?就像我们中国的成语,背后有一个故事,东坡肉、盆菜等名词的产生也是一个故事。英语也如是,英语谚语的背后也是有当地的文化。会双语还能增加左右脑的协调与智力。不知道对楼主有没有帮助。