最近 我们班开展了 请按要求修改下面两句话。




最近班级开展什么活动 班级的组织管理,是通过各种活动实现的,组织开展相关活动构成了班主任工作的重要内容。根据班级活动的时间分布,可以将班级活动分为日常性和阶段性两大类。1.日常性班级活动 如果把班级看成一个有机体,日常性班级活动就是每天或每周都要进行的,为维持班级有机体正常运转所必须的活动以及班级内自发进行着的活动,主要包括以下几项:⑴班会活动:从内容主题的角度看,班会与德育直接相关的较多,但不同年级还有一些与年级阶段、年龄段相关的独特内容,如青春期教育,毕业班的就业指导等。班会的内容应当帮助解决学生精神上的迷惑、忧虑和不安,给他们以生活的力量,为他们树立学习的榜样,催他们奋发向上。班会的形式可以灵活多样。一般来说,形式的选择主要考虑两个方面的因素:一是要考虑与班会内容及其主题的适应性;二是要考虑班会活动形式对学生的吸引力和为学生提供的积极参与面。⑵班级晨会活动:晨会安排一般分为两个方面:固定性的项目和根据临时需要增加的内容。固定性的项目,反映了班集体和班级成员学校生活的经常性的需要。晨会临时性的内容无法预先设计,一般总是与形势、班级内的突发事件、学校某些临时的要求相关。晨会一般形式比较灵活,时间较短。

英语作文:最近我们班开展了读古典名著活动 Our class is having an very interesting activity theses days.That's every one should read several famous books.I read the four most novels in china first then I read some Europe novels which from Gorky and Shakespeare.I have written some essays about my reading experience and share them with my classmates.However,a group of students didn't attend this activity because they think famous books were written by writers live long long ago and the things in the novels will never happen again to us so the novels are no help for us.they like to read magazines and watch TV much more.But I think we should know that these books are famous must have courses and many things in it are what we should learn.So even though the things will never happen,we can comparing today's status with the history's by reading these books,And we will know what should we do to be a success man or woman,and to be a perfect world,and our heart will be ripe now.

综合性学习(7分) 小题1:(3分)用特定几何图形按一定规律在平面(二维方向)上分布的包含文字、图片、音频、视频等信息的小题2:(2分)优势一:存储的信息容量大 优势二:具有纠错功能小题3:(2分)材料一、材料二

请按要求修改下面两句话。 答案:解析:(1)“开展”改为“召开”或“举行”(2)应将“光临”或“惠顾”删去。

