谁会写好莱坞的英文介绍 好莱坞介绍


好莱坞的简介 一楼首先说2113的就不对好莱坞(HOLLYWOOD)原5261意为冬青树林。好莱4102坞最初只是一片小村庄。20世纪初,1653美国电影制作中心由纽约逐渐移向阳光明媚的西海岸。1913年西席·地密尔在好莱坞大规模的拍摄活动和派拉蒙公司建成的第一个名副其实的摄影棚,标志着电影城好莱坞的诞生。随后,好莱坞迅速成长为美国和世界电影制片业的中心,它不再仅仅是一个地名,而成为美国电影工业体系的代名词。这一工业体系的发展是建立在大制片厂制和明星制基础上的。大制片厂制作为好莱坞电影独特的制作方式,其特点是:发展大而全的垄断性企业,例如米高梅、派拉蒙、华纳兄弟、20世纪福克斯等八大公司就大多是集制片、发行和放映于一体的大型垄断企业;制片厂内部分工精细,强调集体合作,消解个人作用;实行制片人专权制;突出演员作用,这便形成了所谓的明星制。明星制是制片厂为保证高额票房收入而创制的,对明星而言则意味着名利双收和长期被固定于某一类型的角色中。直到40年代,好莱坞一直保持着世界最大的电影梦幻基地的地位。第二次世界大战后好莱坞开始衰落,电视的兴起和反垄断法的实施导致了大制片厂制度的解体。好莱坞在衰退中,顺应时代潮流发展了电视制作。60。

谁会写好莱坞的英文介绍 好莱坞介绍

谁会写好莱坞的英文介绍啊? Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles,situated west-northwest of Downtown Los Angeles.Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and movie stars,the word\"Hollywood\"is often used as a metonymy of American cinema.The nickname Tinseltown refers to Hollywood and the movie industry.Today,much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as the Westside neighborhood,but significant auxiliary industries,such as editing,effects,props,post-production and lighting companies,remain in Hollywood,as does the backlot of Paramount Pictures.Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues and concert stages to premiere major theatrical releases and host the Academy Awards.It is a popular destination for nightlife,tourism,and is home to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.Although it is not the typical practice of the city of Los Angeles to establish specific boundaries for districts or neighborhoods,Hollywood is a recent exception.On February 16,。

谁会写好莱坞的英文介绍 好莱坞介绍


谁会写好莱坞的英文介绍 好莱坞介绍

介绍一下好莱坞 世界闻名电影城好莱坞历史概况 记者:萧敬 华盛顿 2006年8月13日 好莱坞(Hollywood)位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市区的西北郊,人口大约30万,是世界闻名的电影城。1907年,。

好莱坞医生的介绍 简介:斯通是一个技术精湛的外科大夫。在赶往好莱坞霍布斯医院就聘整形医生这天,斯通因紧急避让路中间的三头水牛而连人带车冲进了格雷迪小镇埃文斯法官的围栏内。作为处罚,埃文斯法官判决斯通到格雷迪小镇义务服务三十二小时。格雷迪是位于南卡罗莱纳州境内的一个盛产南瓜的小镇,这里民风淳朴、邻里友善,美中不足的是惟一的大夫赫克先生因年龄太大而不能胜任医院的工作。听说镇上来了一名大城市的医生,以往门可罗雀的医院一下子忙得不可开交,前来找斯通看病的人络绎不绝。由于自己一心要去好莱坞,所以斯通觉得在格雷迪小镇上的每一个小时就像度日如年,尽管包括镇长尼克尔森在内的每一个人都对斯通的到来表示最诚挚的欢迎。但困于撞坏的车子一时难以修好,斯通只好强忍着不开心,继续接待着每一个前来就诊的患者。此时,斯通认识了露。露是医院的救护车司机,和丈夫威尼离异后,露自己带着一个四岁的女儿生活在格雷迪小镇上。工作上的接触,在斯通和露之间产生相互的爱慕之情,考虑到恩瑞也在追求露,斯通始终没有正式表白。撞坏的车子已经修好了,“服刑”的期限也已结束,在全镇人民依依不舍的送别中,斯通告别了格雷迪小镇,成功地当上了好莱坞霍布斯医院。

用英语介绍好莱坞的历史 Hollywood is a district in Los Angeles,California,U.S.A.,situated west-northeast of Downtown.Due to its fame and cultural identity as the historical center of movie studios and stars,the word\"Hollywood\"is often used as a metonym for the American film and television industry.Today much of the movie industry has dispersed into surrounding areas such as Burbank and the Westside,but significant ancillary industries(such as editing,effects,props,post-production,and lighting companies)remain in Hollywood.Many historic Hollywood theaters are used as venues and concert stages to premiere major theatrical releases,and host the Academy Awards.It is a popular destination for nightlife and tourism,and home to the Walk of Fame.Although it is not the typical practice of the City of Los Angeles to establish specific boundaries for districts or neighborhoods,Hollywood is a recent exception.On February 16,2005,Assembly Members Goldberg and Koretz introduced a bill to require the State to 。

好莱坞十大导演的介绍 以史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、詹姆斯·卡梅隆、彼得·杰克逊等等为代表的好莱坞明星导演们在给我们带来完美的视觉和心灵冲击的同时,一次又一次地缔造了全球票房神话。他们的电影不失娱乐,同时兼备极高的鉴赏性,他们把商业和艺术结合得天衣无缝。目前为止,他们的许多作品,如《泰坦尼克号》(1997),《终结者》(1984、1991)《辛德勒的名单》(1993),《侏罗纪公园》(1993.1997),《指环王》(2001.2002.2003),《教父三部曲》(1972.1974.1990)等等都无一例外地成为了电影艺术殿堂中的经典。

谁会写好莱坞的英文介绍 \"Hollywood\"is a word often used to refer to the American film industry,due to many of the country's best-known film company was set up in this,so often and American movies and movie stars link up,Hollywood is world famous film center,held every year in the Academy Awards ceremony is the film world event.Hollywood is not only the birthplace of the global fashion,is the world's music film industry center,has the world's top entertainment industry and luxury brands,to lead and represent the highest level in the world of fashion,such as DreamWorks,Disney,twentieth Century Fawkes,Columbia Pictures Industries Inc,Sony Corp,Universal Studios,WB(Warner Bros.)and paramount the film giants like RCAJ Interscope and IV E Records's top record companies have together in Hollywood areas,fashion and technology here contain each other,nature is not artificial,with profound connotation and majestic fashion technology support,has been imitated all over the world.“好莱坞”一词往往直接用来指美国。


