英语翻译 一切都是刚刚开始翻译


求这句话的英语翻译.失败并不是失去一切 而是拥有一切的开始 失败并不是失去一切 而是拥有一切的开始.Failure is not the loss of everything,it's the start of having everything.? 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,

英语翻译 一切都是刚刚开始翻译

结局,对我来说,已经不再重要了.一切,都将从头开始。怎么翻译? As for me,ending is not important anymore.All,wll be start from the begining.希望能够帮到你.

英语翻译 一切都是刚刚开始翻译

英语翻译 Restart,tomorrow is another day.

英语翻译 一切都是刚刚开始翻译

英语翻译 Give it up.It is the real start of life.Had i made it change earlier,i would not have missed those initially belonging to me.Having surived for many years,i suppose i can handle it.

英语翻译 best loving 最爱 best caring 最在乎的if all start from the origin 或者if all start from the beginning

英语翻译 假如有如果译:If there were any if's假如有一切不曾有遗憾,如果时间能回到开始的地方译:If there were no regrets for all things,if the time could date back to the very beginning

英语翻译 Everything has been over.But this is only a start


