不要跳来跳去,可能会有危险。 英语翻译 错maybe 用于句首应改成there may be
你跳我也跳 的英文怎么说 你跳我也跳 的英文表示为2113:You jump and I jump。5261其中jump的英式发音为[d??mp],美式4102发音为[d??mp]。意思有:跳,跳过,1653快速移动,(因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动。拓展资料You jump and I jump的用法1、不,你跳我也跳。No,if you jump,I jump.2、我喜欢电影《泰坦尼克》上的一句精彩对白:你跳我也跳。I like a line from Titanic ery much:you jump,and I will jump.jump的用法1、I jumped over the fence我跳过了栅栏。2、He jumped out of a third-floor window他从3楼的窗户跳了出去。3、He jumped the first fence beautifully.他轻松地跨过第一道栏。4、Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry女孩儿一哭,亚当立即从座位上跳了起来。5、The phone shrilled,making her jump.刺耳的电话铃响了起来,把她吓了一跳。6、Sales jumped from$94 million to over$101 million销售额从9,400万美元激增到了1.01亿美元。
不要跳来跳去,有危险。的英文翻译是什么 Don’t jump around,lt's dangerous.希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。满意请及时采纳,谢谢!
英语翻译 How high you have jumped in the game this time?Competition不能用于跳高比赛.
不要跳来跳去英语翻译和否定句 Don't jump back and forth/up and down/to and fro.
英语跳来跳去单词怎么说 fling abouthop around/about我看到了一个像蝗虫那样的东西在跳来跳去。I saw something like a great locust hopping about他欣喜若狂地在房间里跳来跳去。He skipped about the room in an ecstasy.
我喜欢看松鼠们在树上跳来跳去英语翻译 我喜欢看松鼠们在树上跳来跳去。可翻译为:I like watching squirrels jumping up and down in the trees.
你跳我就跳,英语翻译 You jump,then I jump.
你跳我也跳 的英文怎么说 铁达尼的经典对话:you jump,I jump.
每个人兴奋地跳来跳去用英语怎么说 Everyone jumped up and down in excitement.