像女主人表示感谢的英语对话 关于感谢或道歉的英语情景对话?


关于感谢或道歉的英语情景对话? 感谢A:Hi,Tom。How are you?I was looking for you yesterday.I want to thank you for what you did for me last time.B:Not a big deal.We're good friends.A:Tom,I really appreciate your help last time.B:You are very welcome.It's my pleasure.A:Tom,you saved my life.I can't imagine achieving this without your help.B:No bother,dude。

像女主人表示感谢的英语对话 关于感谢或道歉的英语情景对话?

向帮助过你的老师表示感谢的情景对话,英语的要怎么写啊 A:Hey Miss Sparrow,do you have a moment?B:Sure,come on in.Take a seat Stella.A:Thanks Miss Sparrow.B:What can I do for you today,Stella?A:It is almost the end of the semester and I would like to drop by to express my gratitute.B:Ou,what have I done?Is everything alright?A:Miss Sparrow,the last semester was difficult for me,I never thought I would be able to understand trigonometry,not in my wildest dream to pass on it.But result came out a couple of days ago and I did it。I passed。and it makes me realize that I have you to thank because you have never gave up on me no matter how lost i seemed to be.B:No,Stella,you did great on your own,I was just there to give you a push.A:See Miss Sparrow,you trust in me,you gave me the confidence to pull it through and that means than anything for a person with low self esteem like me,so yes,you've helped me a lot and you've changed my life,thank you so much Miss Sparrow.B:Aww.That is so sweet of you Stella.Thank you。I am glad that I am 。

像女主人表示感谢的英语对话 关于感谢或道歉的英语情景对话?

写一段英语对话:主人邀请你吃饭,表示对主人的感谢 可以上网,或者询问老师。

像女主人表示感谢的英语对话 关于感谢或道歉的英语情景对话?

用英语写对话关于感谢女主人邀请你参加新年聚会 Mary是女主人Tom是被要请客人Tom:(Answering the phone)Hello?Mary:Hello.May I speak to Tom please?Tom:Speaking.Mary:Hi,Tom,this is Mary.I'm a friend of Jim's.Tom:Hi,Mary.Jim has told me about you.What's up?Mary:Today is the New Year's day and we're having a party for it tonight.Do you think you could come?Tom:Oh,it is surprising today.Sure.I'd love to come.What time and where?Mary:Well,we're all meeting at Jim's neighbor's apartment at about seven thirty.It's at 789 Peace Street,Apartment 3.Tom:I'll be there.Do you want me to bring something?Mary:Bring some flowers if you can.Tom:No problem.I have to say:Thank you Mary and thanks your invitation.I could see we will have a while of a time.See you tonight.Mary:See you.希望能够帮助到您,满意的话,请采纳,谢谢

表示感谢别人的帮助的英语,越多越好_(:_」∠)_ Thank you very much./Thank you so much.非常感谢2113你。52612.Thanks a lot./Thanks a bunch.太感谢你了。3.Thanks a million.感激不尽4102。4.I appreciate your support.我很感激你的支持。5.I don’t know how to express my gratitude.我不知道怎么表达我的谢意1653。6.I owe you one.我欠你一份人情。7.I’m much obliged to you.我对你满怀感激。8.I’m grateful for your help.我很感谢你的帮忙。9.I’m in your eternal debt.我欠你的一辈子都还不完。10.Thanks anyway.无论如何,还是谢谢你。(注:本句用在对方虽然没能帮上忙,但你仍想表达谢意)更多感谢表达:I really appreciate what you’ve done for me these days.我真的很感激这些天来你对我的帮助。It’s very kind of you to help me.你能帮助我真是太好了。I really don’t know what I would have done without your help.真不知道没有你的帮助我该怎么办。I can’t tell you how grateful I am.How can I thank you enough.我都不知道该如何感谢你才好了。You’ve been so helpful.你可真是帮大忙了。I’m very much obliged to you for your gracious hospitality。.

对女主人热情款待的新年聚会表示感谢的英语对话 Thanks for the hostess‘s hospitality in the New Year Party. Thanks for the hostess‘s hospitality in the New Year Party. 。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

英语情景对话回答感谢的都有哪些? I'd appreciate it very much.Thanks.Thank you.Just.Thanks(激动的时候用)Thanks a lot.Thank you very much.Thanks.Thank you.it is very kind of you.it is very appreciated that you.1.表示感谢的常用套语:It’s very kind of you.你太好了,多谢你了.I’m much obliged to you.Much obliged[appreciated].Thank you.Thank you very much.Thank you very much indeed.真是太感谢你了.Thanks.Thanks a lot.多谢.Thanks very much.Thanks so much.Many thanks.多谢.2.回答感谢的常用答语:Not at all.别客气;不用谢;哪儿的话.You are welcome.不用谢.Please don’t mention it.不用客气;不用谢.It’s[It was]a pleasure.不用客气;不用谢.A pleasure.不用客气;不用谢.It is(was)my pleasure.别客气,这是我高兴做的.My pleasure.不客气,这是我高兴做的事.Pleasure is(was)all mine.不客气;不用谢.No trouble at all.没什么;别客气.No problem.不客气;不用谢.It’s[It was]nothing.没什么;不客气.Think nothing of it.没什么.That’s all right.没什么;不用谢.That’s OK.没什么;不用谢.Any time.不用谢;不客气;有事说一A。

求一段英语对话:主人邀请朋友去家里吃饭,邀请前,就餐中,就餐后的情景都要描述出来. 没找到邀请到家庭就餐的,这个是商务餐的对话,不过也包括了邀请和聚餐中的对话,希望对你有帮助:这段对话的背景是这样的.在洛克夫妇接受了“哈尔及哈迪公司”代表提出的有关外包装颜色议题的建议之后,主人方面决定要好好地庆祝一下.哈维因此向洛克夫妇发出了邀请.Harvey:Now.I have a surprise.We’ve booked the Southern Tower restaurant to celebrate our partnership.哈维:我要给你们一个惊喜.为了庆祝我们之间的合作伙伴关系,我们预定了南塔餐厅.Harvey:We’d like to invite you to dinner.哈维:我们邀请二位共进晚餐.Lok:The Southern Tower?We tried to go there but it’s booked out for months.洛克:您是说南塔餐厅吗?我们曾经想去那里吃饭,但是那家餐厅的位子已经被提前预定出好几个月了.Harvey:Ah yes…but Douglas has a lot of influence in Sydney。We’ve booked a table for 7 o’clock.Caroline and Douglas will be there too.哈维:是这样啊,但道格拉斯在悉尼可是一个颇具影响力的人物呢.我们预定了今天晚上七点的一张桌子.卡罗琳和道格拉斯也将出席.Lian:How wonderful.We’d love to come.丽安:这真是太好了.我们很高兴如约前往.Lok:。

当别人对你表示感谢时,你会回答说( ):(英文) My pleasure别客气(这用来回答别人说“谢谢”的用语)学习进步~若觉得满意~请记得采纳~∩_∩

