“他通过考试让我很惊讶.”用英语翻译怎么说? 太让我惊讶了英文翻译


英语翻译 well.this really make me astonished.so the one who like you is a foreigner?then which country wondering what will she be like.ahh no wonder that you have been so busy lately,which,must be sweety busyness

“他通过考试让我很惊讶.”用英语翻译怎么说? 太让我惊讶了英文翻译

汤姆的表现让我很惊讶英语翻译 汤姆的表现让我很惊讶I was surprised at Tom's behaviour/conduct/deed

“他通过考试让我很惊讶.”用英语翻译怎么说? 太让我惊讶了英文翻译

让我感到惊讶 用英语翻译怎么说 让我感到惊讶的英文:Let me surprise me 例:However,let me surprise,Ding Yi and Zhang together. 可是,让我吃惊的是,张方和丁逸一起来了。重点词汇解析 。

“他通过考试让我很惊讶.”用英语翻译怎么说? 太让我惊讶了英文翻译

用英语翻译 令我惊讶的是她竟死而复生了 你这个问题问了好几遍了 你到底要什么答案啊?to one's surprise 是令人惊讶的是rise again 是死而复生那么To my surprise,he rised again。有什么问题吗?

让我感到惊讶 用英语翻译怎么说 分以下情况:(1)让我感到惊奇的是,我打赌赢了.to my surprise,I won the bet.(2)he was late for school,which made his teacher surprise 他上学迟到这件事使他的老师感到惊奇.(3)the dog surprised me at that time,当时那个狗使我感到惊奇,(吓我一跳)(4)I was surprised to hear…(听到…(指一件的事)后.我感到很惊奇.一般表示惊奇,吃惊,吓一跳,等意就涉及这些句式结构,请灵活运用.

昨天你真的太让我惊讶了【英语翻译】 1.astonish/surprise me2.Either he or you are3.ask for help4.talk about

英语翻译 1.astonish/surprise me2.Either he or you are3.ask for help4.talk about

“他通过考试让我很惊讶.”用英语翻译怎么说? 他通过考试让我很惊讶.The fact that he passed the exam let me very surprised.

让我感到惊讶 用英语翻译怎么说 让我感到惊讶Let me be surprised

英语翻译,让我惊讶的是,礼物居然是更多的家庭作业,我失望的哭了 To my surprise,the present(gift)was homework.I was so disappointed that I cried


