我相信在我们的共同努力下英语翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 意译:As a man sows,so he shall reap.After our collective efforts,we are now standing on this stage.I believe we can explain the meaning of youth by our performance.Like a set of pulsatile notes,youth is playing on our hearts time and time again.Like a breadth of changing scenery,youth is appearing in our mind day and night.Our flappy youth will be heard by the sky,and be seen by the white clouds.Listening to the brinish vocality,looking at the clinging sky,let's sing and dance for our youth.

我相信在我们的共同努力下英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 我相信在这里的许多人来到这里都有和我一样的目标,就让我们一起为这个目标而奋斗吧.I believe that many people,who has come here,have the same goal as mine.So,let's strive together to achieve the goal.

我相信在我们的共同努力下英语翻译 英语翻译

我相信你。让我们一起努力~未来掌握在我们的手里。 I believe you。Let us make great effort together~will control in the future in our hands。

我相信在我们的共同努力下英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 We arrive in this world,is also not to take away anything,but is must diligently for this world addition brilliance.I believed that this point they are not clear,is clear they not necessarily to be a.

我相信在老师和同学的共同努力下,在不久的将来我们的学校将变成一个更加舒适的地方。用英语翻译过来 I believe that under the joint efforts of teachers and students,our school will become a comfortable place in the near future.

英语翻译 答案:I always believe that never give up,we still have a chance.Finally,we believe that this world as long as the dream continues to try,as long as continuous learning,whether you look to,whether it was as a man looks often,and inversely proportional to his talent.Today was brutal,brutal tomorrow,the day after tomorrow is better but most certainly die tomorrow night,so everyone not to give up today.

英语翻译 Good morning。boys and girls.my name is Mary Green,please call me Marry,I come from chinese,Very happy and we can work together in future work if I do not have anything or not good place I hope everyone can forgive me I believe that as long as we all work together to create a better future Thank you。楼主,我其实觉得你不用浪费分数的,你在上搜索在线翻译就有的,

我相信,通过我们共同努力,一定取得成功 英语翻译 我相信,通过我们共同努力,一定取得成功I believe that through our joint efforts,be sure to succeed


