用英语怎么描述一幅照片啊 1、有画框的话,描述下2、色彩与风格的特点3、内容4、“我”对它的看法5、“我”的喜欢程度6、出处等等例:It's a nice scenery photo.I took it at Summer Palace.There is a stream and many people in the photo.My friends say it is great and filled with Chinese' feeling.I also like it.It is the greatest photo that I have seen.
中国人的说话习惯和外国人不一样,但是我很想用英文告诉他们这是我们的文化.请教英语怎么说。 The structure of Chinese Language is different from hence it is our way of spoken and written of this language,hope that you would accept and respect our culture and custom/practice,please.。From here,if the westerners still trying to bully you then just talk him/her off that it is racist or etc.and stop any conversation.
他们把同一件事描述的不一样的英文 They describe the same thing differently.他们把同一件事描述的不一样
他们把同一副照片描述都不一样。用英语怎么说。初一 翻译如下他们把同一副照片描述都不一样。They have different descriptions of the same picture.