我嫁给某先生一年了英文怎么的 某先生英语怎么写


先生的英文怎么写 先生的英语是sir。sir 英[s??]美[s?]释义:n.先生;(用于姓名前)爵士;阁下;(中小学生对男教师的称呼)先生;老师n.(苏丹、德)西尔(人名)例句:1.Your carriage has been hitched,Sir.先生,您的马车已套好了。《21世纪大英汉词典》2.Ok,my questions are over,stand down,sir.好了,我的问题问完了,先生退席吧。《21世纪大英汉词典》3.Do you mind backing off a bit,Sir,while we clear this wreck out of the way?先生,您能把车子往后移动一点吗?我们要将这辆坏车从路上清除。《21世纪大英汉词典》扩展资料近义词:don英[d?n]n.先生,阁下;指导教师,大学教师vt.穿上n.(Don)人名;(缅)顿;(英)唐(男子教名Donald 的昵称)

我嫁给某先生一年了英文怎么的 某先生英语怎么写

帮我搜篇英语作文:给某先生写一封信,: Dear Sir(男士)/Madam(女士):I have received your letter posted in March.Please come to our company to discuss the detail about this event and attach the information of flight course.Yours,(你姓名的拼音)

我嫁给某先生一年了英文怎么的 某先生英语怎么写

某先生、用英文怎么写? 【汉语】某先生2113【英语】Mr.So-and-so【音标】英语读5261音【'm?st?(r)?s?? ?n s??】美语读音【'm?st?r ?so? ?n so?】【例句】Mr.and Mrs.So-and-so will be here tonight.某某4102夫妇今晚也会出1653席的。

我嫁给某先生一年了英文怎么的 某先生英语怎么写

英语翻译 A Mr.September 2006,during the working for my company engaged in the sale of business,outstanding because of its sales in the company three and a half was promoted to deputy manager of departmental bu.

英语翻译 问题补充:如果他叫Tommy Lo是dear Tommy Lo·这样吗?可以.如果不太亲密,要用Dear Mr Lo,Dear MrXXX,The temperature tomorrow will drop very sharply,please prepare to keep warm against cold;I wish you a happy life知识在于点滴积累,更在于不懈努力.另外,正在冲采纳率,请记得采用,

我的先生 写英语怎么写 我的先生:My misterMy husband 我的先生(老公)

我嫁给某先生一年了英文怎么的 我嫁给某先生一年了I have been married someone for a year.

下面的是要求,用英文写, Mr John Brown,Hello Mr.John,I am Wang Hai the sales assistant of(XX Company).Thank you for the order of 100 boxes of T-shirt.We are here to informed you that,your goods will be sending to you throug.


