测量仪器的分类 传统数字频率计


数字频率计测量频率一般采用什么方法 简易频率计一、设计任务与要求1.设计制作一个简易频率测量电路,实现数码显示。2.测量范围:10Hz~99.99KHz3.测量精度:10Hz。4.输入信号幅值:20mV~5V。5.显示方式:4位LED数码。二、方案设计与论证频率计是用来测量正弦信号、矩形信号、三角形信号等波形工作频率的仪器,根据频率的概念是单位时间里脉冲的个数,要测被测波形的频率,则须测被测波形中1S里有多少个脉冲,所以,如果用一个定时时间1S控制一个闸门电路,在时间1S内闸门打开,让被测信号通过而进入计数译码器电路,即可得到被测信号的频率fx。任务要求分析:频率计的测量范围要求为10Hz~99.99KHz,且精度为10Hz,所以有用4片10进制的计数器构成1000进制对输入的被测脉冲进行计数;要求输入信号的幅值为20mV~5V,所以要经过衰减与放大电路进行检查被测脉冲的幅值;由于被测的波形是各种不同的波,而后面的闸门或计数电路要求被测的信号必须是矩形波,所以还需要波形整形电路;频率计的输出显示要经过锁存器进行稳定再通过4位LED数码管进行显示。经过上述分析,频率计电路设计的各个模块如下图:方案一:根据上述分析,频率计定时时间1s可以通过555定时器和电容、电阻构成的多谐振荡器产生1000。

测量仪器的分类 传统数字频率计


测量仪器的分类 传统数字频率计

急求摘要英文翻译(不要在线或软件翻) Design the field in the electron,with computer technology,large scale integrated circuit technology,EDA(Electronics Design Automation)Development of technology and wide application of programmable logic device,the traditional digital circuit design method,tool,device from bottom to top have already far lagged behind development of current technology.The designing technique from top to bottom based on that EDA technology and hardware describe the language is bearing and digital systems and designing the task.The development overview of the survey EDA technology at first of this text,procedure,advantage that FPGA/CPLD develops,history,development step and advantage of VHDL language;Then introduced the general principle of frequency measurement;Then use EDA technology,finish the systematic design work of the digital cymometer in VHDL language;Some experience of introducing front development trend and system of EDA technology finally and developing.The digital cymometer of this 。

测量仪器的分类 传统数字频率计

EDA 课程设计:数字频率计? 一、总体设计思想 1.1基本原理 传统的硬件设计采用自下至上(bo t tom_up)的设计方法。这种设计方法在系统设计的后期进行仿真和调试,一旦考虑不周,系统设计存在较大缺陷,就。


51单片机电子频率计 建议\"幸福校园\"看看 面些 参考前言传统数字频率计都采用纯硬件式组(纯数字电路)集电路(IC)用量较产品体积、功耗都较产本较高产品定型能升级(加入新功能)采用。

请求英语高手帮帮我哦翻译这篇文章。 FPGA|CPLD Cymometer Based on the design and implementation of the summary of today's electronic field,With computer technology,large-scale integrated circuit technology,EDA(Electronics Design Autcmation Electronic Design Automation)technology for the development of programmable logic devices and the widespread application of the 21st century,mankind will be full access to information-oriented society,traditional digital circuit design from far behind today's technology development.The topics covered in Digital Cymometer the realization Using CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device)frequency counts,the implementation of SCM Frequency control of the design process.The frequency of the use or accuracy of the design method overcome based on the traditional principle of frequency measurement frequency of measurement accuracy with the frequency of the measured signal to a drop in lower shortcomings.,And other precision measurement method is not only higher measurement accuracy.The 。

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传感器与自动检测技术 课后答案 轮速传感器,又称转速传感器,转速属于一常规电测参数。测量转速时经常采用磁阻式传感器或光电式传感器进行非接触性测量,传统的磁阻式传感器是由磁钢、线圈等分立元件构成的。



