描绘了一个盲人和小孩相互帮助的情景,写出这些情景和感受 我有一个朋友是盲人 该怎么帮他


用定语从句翻译下列句子 1.Yesterday I bought a book whitch author is a blind.2.my office that is at the building's second floor is very small.3.the book you lent me yesterday is very interesting.4.The teacher who taught me is from Canada.5.the girl who works with me has a boyfriend.6.Tell me your mreasons why to be late this morning.7.At that time when they arrive,it is raining.8.he is a person who can be trusted.9.What's the name of hotelthat you live?10.The man answered the phone told me you do not

看图说话,一个小朋友扶着一个盲人阿姨过马路写一段话 夏天的一个星期六,玲玲要去公园玩,刚要过马路,她发现了一位漂亮的阿姨,这个阿姨手里拄着拐杖,还小心翼翼地往前挪着步子,玲玲这才明白这个阿姨是个盲人。.

一个盲了的人生日,一帮他的朋友和他庆祝,盲人吹蜡烛后,这时这? 把他的“朋友”全杀了,因为他看“朋友们”都在鼓掌,而他不能,事情起因是 一次在大活去旅行 路上没了食物,大家于是提议一人断一支手 补充体力走出去 而事实是他的“朋友”骗了他 所以…

《盲人提灯笼》读了短文, 你想对文中的盲人说什么?请写下来.急。

描绘了一个盲人和小孩相互帮助的情景,写出这些情景和感受 A blind man and a childOne night at a large shopping center,there was suddenly a power failure and it was all pitch dark.This caused a short period of chaos,before staff of the shopper center started to guide the panicked customers out of emergency exits with flashlights.However,a blind man with a walking stick in his hand wasn't even aware of the power failure.Suddenly,he heard a child crying in one corner of the room.So he followed the sound and found the child.\"Why are you crying,kid,\"asked the blind man.\"My mother and I were separated after the power failure,and now I can't find her or the way out,\"the boy replied.Don't worry,I can guide you out,\".Before long they are out of the mall\"Thank God,I have finally found you,\"said the child's mother when she saw her son come out with the blind man.The mother and the boy were so excited that they both cried.Thank you,uncle,for your kind and timely help,\"the boy told the blind man.\"Now I should do something for you,too.Though the 。

盲人提灯笼阅读答案 c时时帮助和关怀别人,别人也就帮得到你,所谓\"为善至乐\"就是这个意思吧.盲人提灯笼

关于女朋友去按摩,竟然是男的给她按,说是盲人,但是我觉得盲人也有触觉,知道后心里很不舒服,大家怎么 太小气咯 盲人按摩多正常哦 心胸开阔点哦

为什么盲人一般都算命很准? 我听说盲人在算命中是自成一派的。本来我是不相信算命的,可是我父母亲口说,以前他们村里有一个盲人算命…

