拯救我们的地球(英语作文)80词带翻译 全球化的时代已经来临,咨询传递,文化交流,想要在这个国际化的舞台生存就必须具有口语的沟通能力,英语更是全世界通用的语言之一,在个世界里,交流是必然的,学英语不...
拯救我们的地球 英语作文 This is the earth.The green part is land.The blue part is sea.The white part is clouds.Our earth is very beautiful and interesting.这是地球。...
英语作文:如果牺牲你一个人就能拯救世界,你会去做么?为什么? 安顿好自己的亲人和朋友~说你有重要的事情和使命要去完成~至少让他们放心~其次,开始为自己的使命开始奋斗啦~!如果牺牲我一个人可以换得世界上所有的幸福,我愿意牺牲我自己.把他当做重要的使命,告诉自己,这是一个是实现人生价值的机会~
英语作文:写一篇短文告诉大家如何拯救地球①要交代清楚为什么要拯救地球,保护家园 How to save the earth?The environmental pollution is worse and worse/more and seriously today.Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky the population is increasing faster and faster resources is getting less and less…etc.We should n’t throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle reduce reuse things.Don’t waste things This saves money and reduces pollution.Use things for as long as possible.We don’t use plastic bags.We mus plant trees and stop the people cutting them.We hope our world is and beautiful.
求一篇关于拯救地球的英语作文范文 500词左右 拯救地球(Saving the Earth):英语作文范文 The population of the earth is increasing very fast.Humans must make the earth support the increasing population.This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly. Such a rapid development produces and waste,which goes into the water,the soil and the air.Some of it is made harmless.However,where there is too much of it,the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around the people. When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better,or use poison to kill pests,poison is sent into the air,the water and the soil.When birds,fish and people eat the grain,drink the water or breath the air,harm will be done to their health. The air in big cities is often made very dirty by cars and factories.Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke.In some places,little is done to make the smoke clean before it goes into the air. Fortunately,people are beginning to ...
关于《拯救地球》的英语作文 Saving Our Earth It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities.For one thing,rubbish may cause a lot of pollution.It may pollute the air,the water and the places we live in.For another,it ma.
拯救世界的英语作文80字 给你两篇作文,看看哪个好一些. I love fantasy is a boy,is it not,today I again close your eyes to the future of the world.I fantasy into a bird,came to 30 years later of the earth.I'm in the sky fly ah fly,I found a strange phenomenon,here's the overcast day always,it is a large industrial waste gas emissions caused by human.I sighed,continue to fly forward.And I flew to a place,where stinks,even breath.Come on.And I fly to a tree,a car passing from my feet,on the road,all the dirty water splashed on me,exhaust exhaust,and my face was blackened,I had to run to the river,wash your face,the water was very dirty,even a fish are not.And I flew over a few city,came to a desert,I and thirsty (这是中文翻译:我是一个爱幻想的男生,这不,今天我又闭上眼睛来到未来世界.我幻想变成一只小鸟,来到30年以后的地球.我在天空中飞呀飞,我发现一件奇怪的现象,这里的白天总是灰蒙蒙的,原来是人类大量排放工业废气造成的.我叹了口气,继续往前飞.我又飞到一个地方,那里臭气熏天,连气都喘不过来.我又飞到一棵大树上,一辆汽车...
英语作文:如果牺牲你一个人就能拯救世界,你会去做么?为什么? 安顿好自己的亲人和朋友~说你有重要的事情和使命要去完成~至少让他们放心~其次,开始为自己的使命开始奋斗啦~!如果牺牲我一个人可以换得世界上所有的幸福,我愿意牺牲我自己。把他当做重要的使命,告诉自己,这是一个是实现人生价值的机会~
拯救世界的男人 这句话用英文怎么说? 还有 世界由我们来拯救 用英文怎么说 拯救世界的男人 这句话用英文怎么说?还有 世界由我们来拯救 用英文怎么说 拯救世界的男人 这句话用英文怎么说?还有 世界由我们来拯救 用英文怎么说 THE MAN WHO CAN SAVE...
求一篇关于拯救地球的英语作文范文 500词左右 拯救地球(Saving the Earth):英语作文范文 The population of the earth is increasing very fast.Humans must make the earth support the increasing population.This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop rapidly. Such a rapid development produces and waste,which goes into the water,the soil and the air.Some of it is made harmless.However,where there is too much of it,the poisonous waste may do great harm to the things around the people. When farmers add fertilizer to the soil to make plants grow better,or use poison to kill pests,poison is sent into the air,the water and the soil.When birds,fish and people eat the grain,drink the water or breath the air,harm will be done to their health. The air in big cities is often made very dirty by cars and factories.Millions of tons of waste and poisonous gases are sent into the air with the smoke.In some places,little is done to make the smoke clean before it goes into the air. Fortunately,people are beginning ...
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