英语翻译 四百四十五翻译成英文


英语翻译 1偏心轮轴外径445,长度3165毫米 3.2 12飞轮外径2920,厚450毫米 17.5 13皮带传动皮带轮外径2920,厚450毫米 17.3 1共有38吨3

英语翻译 四百四十五翻译成英文

英语翻译 We are investigating the newspaper,because there are 45%people like they do not think that is popular with the limit,I would like to look at what time does it and what time is the first has many people has become easy to that and people do you have a newspaper,the standard of the traditional instead of a kind of functions does not.

英语翻译 四百四十五翻译成英文

英语翻译 1.一亿两千三百四十五万六千七百八十一One hundred and twenty-three million four hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-one2.一百九十六万六千八百一十二One million nine hundred and sixty-six thousand eight hundred and twelve3.三百五十九万七千四百二十一Three million five hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and twenty-one4.十三亿五千七百九十二万四千六百八十One billion three hundred and fifty-seven million nine hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and eighty5.十四亿One billion four hundred million

英语翻译 四百四十五翻译成英文

英语翻译 1.所有在地球上诞生的人类的百分之十此刻活着.2.如果你能够笔直的驾车,一小时后你将到达太空.3.如果(把)太阳(看作)直径1英寸(的球),那么最近的恒星将在445英里之外.

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