Give you my best 是 “温馨的祝福” 温暖的英文句子,祝福 reasons in the sun,just you and me;open the box,i ever said thing in it is themost important i have,it is a mirror,when you see it you see yourself.帮忙翻译一下 A faithful friendship,the rigid surely blessing,you which thought ofto me,warmly sent regards.No matter our distance has remotely,cared about your heart is foreverinvariable.Fills in the warm season i.祝福短信最温馨的话英语表达 On this special day I send you greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together.在这特殊的日子,向你致以祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起.英语翻译 Questa scheda 猫 progettata per te inviato,ti dar脿 un profondo sentimento di nostalgia,cos矛 come bene温馨祝福 英文 warm blessingbest wishes英语翻译 To my good friend,whom I've been missing dearly,For our ever-lasting friendship,I give you my all my since blessings and warm greetings.Happy Birthday to you.Pls,I Hope you dream of me tonight.温馨的日子 温暖的祝福英文怎么说 harmonious days and warm bless可以帮忙找有关生日祝福的唯美温馨的英语句子吗,有急用,谢谢 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,绵绵的喜悦里有我轻轻的祝福,生日快乐。There is a light in the clouds of the cloud,the light of the poem has a continuous joy,the joy of the rain,I have a gentle blessing,happy birthday。Know your birthday,what gift to say straight,say,say ah.SMS reading,time has passedThis moment,have my deepest thoughts.Let the clouds take a heart full of blessings,the decoration of your sweet dream,wish you a warm romantic birthday。Hello poor Oh,today is clearly your birthday but also to work,but it is not related,because you have received my blessing,I believe you will be very happy today。Always have something to say to you,but there is no chance,today I finally get up the courage.Happy birthdayIn your birthday is approaching,I wish you a Pepsi,everything Fenda,everyday wow haha,Pepsi music monthly,Hamish mid high,feeling like Sprite,always eye-catchingThere's no way to say to you,but you don't have a chance to say\"no\"for your birthday.Like,see。求英语的生日祝福语,是写给同班同学的,是女生.要温馨一点的.英语与翻译一起吧. Happy birthday to an attractive,intellectual,sophisticated and all round splendid person.祝福一位美丽迷人,聪
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