英语翻译 A new year begins.It's important to forget about the worries and mistakes in the past and give ourselves a brand new start.Let bygone be bygone and look ahead but make sure we have to learn from the p.
英语翻译 it is my 20th birthday today.the future is just in front of me.
听闻毗婆尸佛名号的众生永不堕三恶道,永的意思是从这一世开始,尽未来际不堕恶道,还是比喻很长一段时间 只有多劫善根成熟才可能听闻诸佛名号,自此刻闻佛名起,尽未来际永不堕落恶道
你会有一个新的开始,一个崭新的未来,你要过得快乐,你快乐我才会快乐的英语翻译. You will have a new beginning,a brand-new future,you must be happy,I will be happy as long as you are happy.
“希望”的不同含义 前者:寄托、指望后者:期望