英语翻译 We have had this experience:When we do something,it is often one sense,on impulse,resulting in a lot of time to consider thequestion is not very thorough.At that time,how much we want this world.用英语翻译下一句话,谢谢你. I have thought this matter over and over for a long time.I didn't tell you about it because I felt embarrassed.I very appreciate it.慎重考虑 think.over and over 就可表达这个意思,不需用carefully之类的词语来翻译“慎重”不好意思:这是很“中文”的表达方法,理解为“尴尬”,即embarrassed感激不尽:I very appreciate it.这个句子几乎成了固定表达法.在英语国家非常常用.帮忙翻译一下(由于你有很多事情要做,你应该考虑做一份时间表。)翻译成英语,谢谢谢谢!!! because you have a lot of things to do,you should consider making a schedule.请采纳英语翻译 1.昨天晚上鲍勃发生什么事了?(happen to.)翻译:\"What happened to Bob last night?2.没有你的帮助,我不会通过考试(without)翻译:\"Without your help,I wouldn't have passed the examination.\"3.门关上了,他们.英语翻译 help me forget some problemsget back(to)decide on Canadathink anout/ofdo something differentplan to do sthfinish doing sthlove the naturebe on a vacation in Europea famous French singerbe on a long v.有时,我不知道该怎么表达某些事情,我就用英语考虑,然后把它翻译成中文。用英语怎么说? Sometimes,I don`t konw how to say someting.I think in and then them into Chinese sentences.英语翻译,如果我站在你的立场上的话,我会更加谨慎考虑这件事情 If I were in your position,I would be careful about it.如果我站在你的立场上的话,我会更加谨慎考虑这件事情英语翻译 1、欣赏.艺术appreciate the art of-2、健全的体系a sound and complete system3、你需要考虑一些更为实际的事情You should consider sth.more realistic/You should take sth.more realistic into consideration4、满足.需求 meet the need/demand of5、.的情况(状况)很不容乐观 the situation concerning-isn't positive/optimistic.6、基本上.basically,largely,7、definitely的替换词certainly,surely8、i really want to.中really的替换词very much,truly
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