住宿 的押金是多少钱?翻译 住宿押金英语怎么说


英语翻译 上面两位明显是机译的.1,I wanna ask that may I get the breakfast coupon from the foreground?2,I would like to ask whether you can give the proof of payment deposit to me.3,When will the Breakfast is supplied?4,I am Mr.A,the ship I take will set off from『』at 13:00 clock.I expect that it will arrive at the port at 3 o'clock,can you send someone to pick us up at the port please

住宿 的押金是多少钱?翻译 住宿押金英语怎么说

英国读研,现在要交住宿押金了,可是还不确定读a所还是b所啊,a所怕最后gpa达不到他们要求!! 你好,很多学校的住宿押金是不退的,因为一旦你缴纳了押金,学校就会为你保留你的宿舍房间,其他人就不可以再预定你的房间.一旦你没有成功拿到学校的通知书而不能去该学校,这样学校还要重新找其他的学生来入住,学校有时候也承担着没有学生入住的风险,所以你的押金一般会叫 holding deposit.就是把你的房间预订给你的押金.如果你不想交双份押金的话,建议你尽快联系学校或者中介,拿到学校的offer之后再预定宿舍.一定要催,不然一切都晚了,得不偿失.希望能帮到你

住宿 的押金是多少钱?翻译 住宿押金英语怎么说

交押金用英语怎么说? 文/英语老师刘江华现在很多东西都需要交押金,租房需要交押金,住酒店需要交押金,假如你出国住宿或者租房怎么用英语描述交押金?首先我们先学会一个单词depositdeposit美[d?'pɑz?t]保证金,押金,定金学会这个单词就可以解决社会上定金,交押金,保证金的英语表达:举个例子:Do you require deposit?需要交押金吗?还有一个短语也表示押金cash pledge 押金pledge 美[pl?d?]保证,誓言;抵押这个短语倒过来就是保证金pledge cash

住宿 的押金是多少钱?翻译 住宿押金英语怎么说

住宿 的押金是多少钱?翻译 1 你比原定的见面时间,早来了/晚来了 10 分钟You came here ten minutes earlier than originally appointed time for meeting each other.You came here ten minutes later than originally appointed time for meeing each other.2 你比原定见面时间,早来/晚来 几分钟?You were here several minutes earlier than originally appointed time for meeting each other.You were here several minutes later than originally appointed time for meeting each other.3 住宿 需要提供300元 押金To get an accommodation needs to afford three hundred guarantee deposit.4 住宿 的押金是多少钱?How much is the guarantee deposit for getting an accommodation?5 三间单人房的费用是多少?How much is the charge for three rooms with single bed?6 三间单人房的费用是900 元。The charge for three rooms with single bed is nine hundred RMB.以上你您要的英文翻译,请告诉你QQ 号码,谢谢!

在国外入住酒店时会刷信用卡做押金英文怎么说 在国外入住酒店时会刷信用卡做押金英文翻译_Will the credit card as a deposit in foreign Check Inn Hotel

订房需要多少押金?英语翻译 1 他预定了两间单人房,并且支付了房费.He booked/reserved two single rooms and paid the room rate.2 你们还剩下几间客房?How many guest rooms do you have left?3 我们还剩下8间客房We still have 8 guest rooms left.4 订房需要多少押金?How much mortagage is needed to book/reserve a room?5 订房押金是300 元The mortagage is 300 yuan.6 他喜欢住在乡村,而不是城市。He prefers to live in the countryside to in the city.

英语翻译 1.You're ten minutes earlier/later than the scheduled meeting time.2.How many minites are you earlier/later than the scheduled meeting time?3.An amount of 300yuan should be offered as the cash pledge.

酒店收银使用的押金单,有什么英文简称吗? [deposit;cash pledge]用作抵押的钱酒店收银使用的押金单就应该是cash pledge card 应该没有简称吧

英语翻译 太中文化了If you want to rent this house,you must pay one month rent plus one month bond.The rent per month is$xxxRMB,the bond is$xxxRMB

在国外入住酒店时会刷信用卡做押金英文怎么说 You can swipe my credit card for Pre authorization as deposit.欢迎追问


