在家靠兄弟出门靠朋友翻译英语 多在家少出门的英文


形容平日总在家里待着很少出门成语 深居简出_金山词霸【拼 音】:shēn jū jiǎn chū【解 释】:简:少.指人呆在家里;不常出门.【出 处】:宋·秦观《谢王学士书》:“自摈弃以来;尤自刻励;深居简出;几不与世人相通.”【示 例】:他平时没有重要的公.

在家靠兄弟出门靠朋友翻译英语 多在家少出门的英文

平日老在家里呆着很少出门的四字词是什么? 如果平日老在家里待着很少出门,四个字的词有很多啊,比如说大门不出二门不迈或者是大家闺秀,现在一般用的都是宅男宅女。

在家靠兄弟出门靠朋友翻译英语 多在家少出门的英文


在家靠兄弟出门靠朋友翻译英语 多在家少出门的英文

在家千日好 出门一日难 用地道英语怎么说 East or west,home is the best.

在家靠兄弟出门靠朋友翻译英语 可以这么说:1.Be at home by the brother,go out to depend on a friend。2.Home by brother,go out through a friend。3.Depends on brothers in the home,goes out 。

英语翻译 we have not make up our minds to go wherewhen my neighbor is not at home,he alway ask me to look care of his parrot

我觉得应该勤洗手,少出门,少聚会用英语怎么说? —英文:I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less,and have fewer parties.或 I think we should wash our hands frequently,go out less and get together less.

英语翻译 1.尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方Stay at home as much as possible,don't go to places have too many people often.2.勤洗手,讲卫生Washs your hands thoroughly,observe sanitation.3.多开窗,保持空气新鲜Keep the windows open,ensure flow of fresh air.4.多吃水果蔬菜Eat fruits and vegetables.


