急需英语考试作文一篇 你的朋友成了一个工作狂,你对工作狂的看法 我的朋友变成了一个工作狂


求英语作文。!急英语题目:1.我的朋友变成了工作狂 2.交通变得很糟糕 3.小王最近很抑郁 要求120个 词左右 回答请标明题号!重谢 Resently,my friend began to work really hard.well,i guess i missed out something.i thought he was good enough,but he didn't agree with me at all.he thought he was never good enough.he said he felt a strong need in his company,because he was the only one good at this technique.he felt like it was his responsibility to help others so they could have a few time for other things.he also said,he felt he had spent 26 hours in his office and there was no time for family and friends any more.i asked him why he didn't take a holiday and learn to enjoy life sometime.it's not possible to stay in office all the time.besides it was impossible to finish all the job.i knew he also wanted to play with dogs or fishing,i saw the desire in his eyes and i asked him for a reason he said he felt guilty towards his colleague,so he just did all the work.

急需英语考试作文一篇 你的朋友成了一个工作狂,你对工作狂的看法 我的朋友变成了一个工作狂

为什么人会变成「工作狂」?这算不算一种上瘾行为? 工作以后注意到身边有很多这样的年轻人,几乎把所有的精力都投入到工作里去了,即便在休息的时候也更愿意…

急需英语考试作文一篇 你的朋友成了一个工作狂,你对工作狂的看法 我的朋友变成了一个工作狂

为什么有的人会变成工作狂? 先看看下面的一段话吧:一直都不认为自己是工作狂,但我承认我热爱工作,也享受工作。昨天下午医生打电话过来,说我生病了。我很惊讶。医生说叫我一定要引起重视,及时治疗。我说,最近太忙了。我是想表达因为太忙所以疏忽了自己的身体状况。医生可能误以为我是想说太忙了,先拖段时间再说。可能比较熟悉,也可能因为有共同的好朋友,医生对我发飙了:你就是个工作狂!年轻的时候不要命,年纪大了后悔都来不及!我们医院今天刚检查出来一个癌症,女的,才33岁!你要把奔跑的脚步慢下来,学会走路!感慨很久!所以工作也要注意身体 那么我现在来回答你是女孩吧 我到很喜欢你这种女强人的但除了注意身体还要多和家人朋友同事多多沟通 学会享受生活祝福你哦

急需英语考试作文一篇 你的朋友成了一个工作狂,你对工作狂的看法 我的朋友变成了一个工作狂


