风扇英文怎么读音 用电风扇吹风用英语怎么说


风扇用英语怎么说 fan【读音】2113英[f?n]美[f?n]【释义】1、vt.煽动;5261刺激;吹拂2、vi.成扇形4102散开;飘1653动3、n.迷;风扇;爱好者4、n.(Fan)人名;(法、俄)法恩;(柬)方【例句】He cools himself in front of an electric fan.他在一个电扇前面吹凉。扩展资料相关短语:1、风扇皮带 Fan Belt;Fast-idle;belt;Fan drive belt2、风扇尺寸 Fan Dimensions;CM;LxWxH;Fan Demension3、鼓风扇 blowing fan;blower fan;forced-draft fan;booster fan4、风扇冷却[机]fan cooling;TEFC;fan cooled5、摇头风扇 oscillating fan;pivoting fan;piotingfan

风扇英文怎么读音 用电风扇吹风用英语怎么说

电风扇放在地上向前吹风时受到几个力? 解释如下电风扇放在地上向前吹风时受到4个力选D分别是:重力,地面的支撑力,摩擦力,空气给风扇一个向后的作用力

风扇英文怎么读音 用电风扇吹风用英语怎么说

电风扇用英语怎么说 多乐学英语

风扇英文怎么读音 用电风扇吹风用英语怎么说

英语翻译 The primary cause:during the manufacturing of electric wires,the surface of the wires have to be cooled and the moisture on them be dried by air blowers(similar to fans).During the process,the wires will be swinging due to the blowing air,occassionally making contact with the blower resulting in scratches on the wire surface.Improvement Method:Suitably adjust the distance between the wires and the blower;at the same tme,adjust the angle of the blower nozzle to the wires and maintain it at about 90°,so that scratches are avoided.


风扇英文怎么读音 风扇的英文:2113fan读音:英[f?n]美[f?n]n.风扇;扇子;扇形物n.迷;狂热爱5261好者vt.扇;展开扇形;4102煽动vi.成扇形;[棒]三振出局词汇1653搭配:1、turn off a fan 关电风扇2、electric fan 电风扇3、ventilating fan 排气风4、ceiling fan 吊扇相关例句:1、We have an extractor fan in the kitchen to get rid of the smell of cooking.我们的厨房里有台排气扇,用来消除油烟。2、Please turn the electric fan on.请打开电风扇。3、She glanced shyly at him from behind her fan.她羞怯地从她的扇子后面看了他一眼。4、It was so hot that we had to have the electric fan on all day long.天太热,我们不得不全天开着电扇。扩展资料:词源解说:直接源自古英语的fann,意为扬谷物的东西;最初源自拉丁语的vannus,意为风。相近词义单词:blower读音:英['bl???(r)]美['blo??r]n.鼓风机;吹风机相关例句:1、He reached over and cranked up the blower.他手伸过去,调快了鼓风机。2、We're planning to use our snow blower just to clear a path to the front door.我们打算用吹雪机在正门清理出条路来。

风扇英文怎么读音 风扇的英文:fan读音:英[f?n]美[f?n]n.风扇;扇子;扇形物n.迷;狂热爱好者vt.扇;展开扇形;煽动vi.成扇形;[棒]三振出局词汇搭配:1、turn off a fan 关电风扇2、。

\ 电风扇是electric fan,但常常只用fan就可以了。1.cool under a fan2.ues fanner3.enjoy the fan

\ enjoy the electric fan.

