简奥斯丁的英语介绍 Jane Austen(16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817)was an novelist whose realism,biting social commentary and masterful use of free indirect speech,burlesque and irony have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and most beloved writers in literature.[1]Austen lived her entire life as part of a small and close-knit family located on the lower fringes of gentry.[2]She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading.The steadfast support of her family was critical to Austen's development as a professional writer.[3]Austen's artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years until she was about thirty-five years old.During this period,she wrote three major novels and began a fourth.[B]From 1811 until 1815,with the release of Sense and Sensibility(1811),Pride and Prejudice(1813),Mansfield Park(1814)and Emma(1815),she achieved success as a published writer.She wrote two additional novels,Northanger Abbey 。英语翻译 ok,和同学才翻译完,应该很对啦,还请叫了一下,应该不错Jane Austen in the novel through the five Bennet daughters deal with the different treatment of marriage,showing the township middle-class family on the marriage of girls who love the different attitude,so as to reflect the author's own marriage:for property,money,and status of marriage is wrong;and marriage does not take into account the above factors also foolish.Therefore,she opposed marriage for money,is opposed to the marriage as a child's play.She stressed the importance of the ideal of marriage and the feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of the conclusion of an ideal marriage.Heroine in Elizabeth was born to the family of small landowners for Regal children love Darcy.Darcy ignoring the first door and the wealth gap,to her suitor,but was rejected.Elizabeth on his misunderstanding and prejudice is one of the reasons,but mainly because she hated his arrogance.Darcy because of this arrogance is actually a reflection 。简 奥斯丁的《劝导》哪个翻译版本好 《劝导》最常见的两个译本,一是孙致礼和唐慧心的合译本,二是裘因的译作。孙致礼和唐慧心的合译本,主要由译林出版,20多年来有好几个版次。尤常见的是96年那版,印刷过多次,有好几种封面。可惜2000年后,貌似只出过一个版次,且跟《诺桑觉寺》合印在了一起。另外,江苏文艺80年代也曾出版过该译本,连台湾出版的几部《劝导》也用的是孙、唐二人的译作,可见经典程度。但,目前市面上已很难找到,只能买旧书。译林多年来出版的《劝导》,均系孙致礼和唐慧左为江苏文艺出版的孙、唐版《劝导》;右为译林最近一次出的《劝导》,和《诺桑觉寺》裘因的译本,是如今市面上最常见的版本,由上海译文出版。也有过好几个版次,最早可追溯到90年代初。很主观的一句评价是,看过裘因的译作,我终于充分感受到孙、唐译本的优势来了。裘因所译《劝导》几个不同时期的版本裘因本外,如今能在市面上买到的,还有陕西师范大学出版社的版本,译者标明为苏丹。事实上,其中的文字,几乎完全照抄孙致礼、唐慧心的版本,一长段中,能改动一个词,都已属难得。看到一些评论,有读者盛赞此书的译文远胜裘因本,其实这功劳还是应算回孙致礼和唐慧心的头上啊。无解的是,这位译者几乎没。急!急!急求以下句子的英文翻译,先谢了!!!简.奥斯丁的小说都是三五户人家居家度日,婚恋嫁娶的小事。 Jan.Austin's novel is 35 household others homes gets by,love and marriage marriage's minor matter.Therefore many Chinese readers did not understand how she does have that high prestige in the West.these not smallquestion which perhaps the Austin's novel can teach us to learn to transform the judgment and the angle,intelligent apprehension“minor matter”the narration involves.nearly reads the newspaper,to domestic name card and invitation discussion quite a lot,in the French person hand's name card which and the invitation when remembers lives in a strange or foreign place Paris saw frequently,the informal essay writes down,as if profits from the place.the 1997 year on February 24 we the delegation stay in Riyue Tan the letter hotel,has packed off the last group of visitors,already was next day 3:00 am.I lie down on the bed cannot go to sleep for a very long time,before throwing on clothing to arrive at the window,toward the outside looked that sees only all around the peaks 。简奥斯丁的英文简介 Jane Austen was a major novelist,whose brilliantly witty,elegantly structured satirical fiction marks the transition in literature from 18th century neo-classicism to 19th century romanticism.Jane Austen was born on 16 December,1775,at the rectory in the village of Steventon,near Basingstoke,in Hampshire.The seventh of eight children of the Reverend George Austen and his wife,Cassandra,she was educated mainly at home and never lived apart from her family.She had a happy childhood amongst all her brothers and the other boys who lodged with the family and whom Mr Austen tutored.From her older sister,Cassandra,she was inseparable.To amuse themselves,the children wrote and performed plays and charades,and even as a little girl Jane was encouraged to write.The reading that she did of the books in her father's extensive library provided material for the short satirical sketches she wrote as a girl.At the age of 14 she wrote her first novel,Love and Freindship(sic)。求简奥斯丁的英文简介 When Mr.Henry Dashwood dies,he must leave the bulk of his estate to the son by his first marriage,which leaves his second wife and three daughters(Elinor,Marianne,and Margaret)in straitened circumstances,they are left with no permanent home and very little income.Mrs.Dashwood and her daughters(Elinor,Marianne,and Margaret)are invited to stay with their distant relations,the Middletons,at Barton Park.but their lack of fortune affects the marriageability of both practical Elinor and romantic Marianne.Elinor is sad to leave their home at Norland because she has become closely attached to Edward Ferrars,the brother-in-law of her half-brother John.However,once at Barton Park,Elinor and Marianne discover many new acquaintances,including the retired officer and bachelor Colonel Brandon,and the gallant and impetuous John Willoughby,who rescues Marianne after she twists her ankle running down the hills of Barton in the rain.And though Mrs.Jennings tries to match the worthy(and rich)Colonel 。求简奥斯丁的英文介绍(400字) Jane Austen(16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817)was an novelist whose works of romantic fiction set among the gentry have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and most beloved writers in literature.[1]Amongst scholars and critics,Austen's realism and biting social commentary have cemented her historical importance as a writer.Austen lived her entire life as part of a close-knit family located on the lower fringes of the gentry.[2]She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading.The steadfast support of her family was critical to Austen's development as a professional writer.[3]Austen's artistic apprenticeship lasted from her teenage years until she was about thirty-five years old.During this period,she experimented with various literary forms,including the epistolary novel which she tried and then abandoned,and wrote and extensively revised three major novels and began a fourth.[B]From 1811 until 1816,with 。简奥斯丁英文简介 writer,who first gave the novel its modern character through the treatment of everyday life.Although Austen was widely read in her lifetime,she published her works anonymously.The most urgent.简奥斯丁简介英汉互译的 简·奥斯汀简介简·奥斯汀,是英国著名女性小说家,她的作品主要关注乡绅家庭女性的婚姻生活,以女性特有的细致入微的观察力和活泼风趣的文字真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地。中文名:简·奥斯汀外文名:Jane Austen国籍:英国出生地:英国斯蒂文顿小镇出生日期:1775年12月16日逝世日期:1817年7月18日职业:小说家主要成就:写了很多脍炙人口的世界名著代表作品:《理智与情感》《傲慢与偏见》《爱玛》《劝导》奥斯汀终身未婚,家道小康。由于居住在乡村小镇,接触到的是中小地主、牧师等人简·奥斯汀物以及他们恬静、舒适的生活环境,因此她的作品里没有重大的社会矛盾。她以女性特有的细致入微的观察力,真实地描绘了她周围世界的小天地,尤其是绅士淑女间的婚姻和爱情风波。她的作品格调轻松诙谐,富有喜剧性冲突,深受读者欢迎。从18世纪末到19世纪初,庸俗无聊的“感伤小说”和“哥特小说”充斥英国文坛,而奥斯汀的小说破旧立新,一反常规地展现了当时尚未受到资本主义工业革命冲击的英国乡村中产阶级的日常生活和田园风光。她的作品往往通过喜剧性的场面嘲讽人们的愚蠢、自私、势利和盲目自信等可鄙可笑的弱点。奥斯汀的小说出现在19世纪。
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