
你知道我们学校有什么校规吗?请尝试用英语写下来。 1 Wear uniforms everday 每天都要穿制服 2 Don't take your phones to school 别带你们的手机上学 3 Don't be late 不要迟到 4 Don't talk in class 不要在课堂上说话 ... 我们学校的校规英语60字 Our School Rules 1、We don't walk on the grass.不踩踏草坪 2、We don't pick flowers.不随意摘花 3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs.不毁坏公物 4、We can't fight in the school.不打架 5、We can't throw things in the school.不乱丢垃圾 6、谈吐文明Talk civilization 7、不大声喧哗Not talking loudly 8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day.保持教室卫生 9、We should respect each other.尊重他人 10、No smoking at school.不得在校园内吸烟。11、We can't run in the school aisles.不在走廊里跑动 12、团结友爱,以任何形式暴力粗口为耻。Be friendly with each other,despise him whoever talks dirty or uses violence. 以身作则,举报光荣,欢迎学生监督触犯以上校规的老师。Your behavior is education,under all the supervision,students are welcomed to report any misconduct of teacher. 英语翻译:每个学校都有校规,我们学校也是 Every school has their own rule,so does ours. 这就是我们学校的校规,请告诉我你的学校的校规.用英语翻 These are the principles of my school,please tell me those of yours. 我们应遵守学校校规用英语怎么说 We must obey the rules of the school 绝对正确,已订正正 我们有七条校规用英语 We have seven school rules. 英语翻译 One of the school rules I hate most is to wear school uniform everyday. Our school uniform is very ugly and bad quality,but we have to wear it everyday by which means to restrict our freely development. 希望可以帮到你 我们如何用英语来写学校的校规并翻译 学生着装得体Students dress appropriately 坐正立直Sitting stand upright 行走稳健Walk steady 谈吐文明Talk civilization 穿校服,To wear uniforms. 不穿奇装异服Don't wear clothe 男生不留长发Boys leave no long hair 女生不烫发不化妆不佩戴首饰Girls don't give or have a permanent wave 不穿高跟鞋Don't wear high heels 不大声喧哗Not talking loudly 我们学校的校规英语60字 Our School Rules 1、We don't walk on the grass.不踩踏草坪 2、We don't pick flowers.不随意摘花 3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs.不毁坏公物 4、We can't fight in the school.不打架 5、We can't throw things in the school.不乱丢垃圾 6、谈吐文明Talk civilization 7、不大声喧哗Not talking loudly 8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day.保持教室卫生 9、We should respect each other.尊重他人 10、No smoking at school.不得在校园内吸烟. 11、We can't run in the school aisles.不在走廊里跑动 12、团结友爱,以任何形式暴力粗口为耻. Be friendly with each other,despise him whoever talks dirty or uses violence. 以身作则,举报光荣,欢迎学生监督触犯以上校规的老师. Your behavior is education,under all the supervision,students are welcomed to report any misconduct of teacher. 以我们的校规写一篇英语作文 以我们的校规写一篇英语作文 Today,the new rules is the school leader modification completion.Rules by students also recognized by our school rules constraint,...


