表示请求的一段对话 看图,完成对话,使对话意思完整。(每空一词) (Mr. Wang comes o...


求:一段关于生日聚会的英语对话 Y:Hello,this is Lily.YF:Hello,this is LucyY:Tomorrow is my birthday。I hope you can come。YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday。Y:Thank you。YF:What time do you want to start?Y:Just at 18:00YF:OK。I will give you a surprise。See you tomorrow。Y:Thank you。See you。聚会后的描述:last satauday i came to the hotel to celebrate the birthday of my friday Wang lin.it's very interesting of the party.Wang lin parpered a beautiful birthday cake.it is crowded with some gifts we send to her on the table.the bowls which we uesd to eat food is on the table too.in front of me there is a bottle of wine and a glass.the wine is not so good.after the meal my friends were all coming to sing songs.they stay on the stage with a microphone.how happy they are。i don't like this kind of atmosphere.i came out.there waas a taxi on the road.the mooon was so bright.it's so quiet.why people prefer the noisy life here

表示请求的一段对话 看图,完成对话,使对话意思完整。(每空一词) (Mr. Wang comes o...

linda在看书 lily让她帮忙整理文件 根据请求别人帮忙的例句,编对话表示感谢,不少于五句 Lily:Excuse me.Could you do me a favor?Linda:Sure.What can I do for you?Lily:Could you please help me organize the files?Linda:Certainly.Lily:Thank you so much.Linda:You are welcome.

表示请求的一段对话 看图,完成对话,使对话意思完整。(每空一词) (Mr. Wang comes o...

这段对话我说的会不会很那个? 还好吧~不过说麻烦老师了~也许会比较好~毕竟老师嘛~长辈~他们习惯了学生尊敬他~但是你也不用想太多~其实那也没什么的~不过从这就可以看出你是一个好孩子~很有礼貌~放心~没事的啦~别想那么多啦~自己给自己找烦恼~说不顶你老师根本没注意那么多呢~安啦~

表示请求的一段对话 看图,完成对话,使对话意思完整。(每空一词) (Mr. Wang comes o...

QQ出现“我们已经是好友了,现在开始对话吧。”是表示对方已经同意添加我为好友了么? 楼主不必担心,这是正常的延时情况,很多人都会出现。既然对方添加好友了,又怎么会马上删掉呢?

求一段英文情景对话;关于学生请求老师对给些时间来完成任务,但老师要求最好按时完成的对话,急 Excuse me,Miss LI.can I finish it later,in 3 to 5 days?Sorry,You have to finish it in time and hand in this evening.

对长辈表示请求应该用什么词? 老师说“希望”是长辈对晚辈说的 如何恰当的向长辈表达请求的意思 表达请求的词有:请求、请示、请教、请问、恳请、报请、呈请、敬请、申请、企求、乞求、祈求、要求等等。而“希望”这个词的确不适合用于。

看图,完成对话,使对话意思完整。(每空一词) (Mr. Wang comes o。 1.right2.crossing3.on4.across5.left6.corner7.miss8.far9.foot10.take

表示感谢的英语对话 L:Hello。How may I help you?S:Hi。I’m trying to find a few books,but I’m lost.L:OK.What books do you need to find?S:I need to find three conversation books by Professor Brown.L:All right.Those books are at the main desk on the third floor.S:How do I get there?L:Just take this elevator up two floors.The desk is right outside.S:Great.Thank you very much。L:You’re welcome.Good luck。Barry:Hey Larry~It's great to see you here。Larry:Oh,hi Barry~What's up with you lately?Barry:I have been quite busy working around the house.Larry:Oh yeah?I hope everything's going smoothly.Barry:Well,actually,could you give me a hand this weekend?Larry:Is it to do with your house?Barry:Yes,landscaping my yard.Larry:That sounds like a big job.Barry:It might be,it depends on how I decide to do it.Larry:You don’t know yet?Barry:I can’t make up my mind.I’m vacillating between desert land-scape with cacti or lush green grass with lots of flowers.What do you think it should be?Larry:Well,a desert。

对话一段要求有三种提示语200字左右 “这位同学,你怎么乱扔垃圾?快捡起来。你是哪个班的?扣你们班的分了。校长严厉地说.看到我随手扔在地上的果皮纸屑,校长显然有些生气.“别别…我就这一次,下次不敢了,这次别扣了…”我红着脸说.边说边弯腰把果皮纸屑捡了起来.“不行,不遵守学校纪律就要扣分.如果大家都像你这样,咱们的学校不就变成垃圾场了吗?校长声色俱厉的说.“我下次真的不敢了,我错了…”我自责的说.由于激动,我都快哭了.“好吧,这次原谅你,下次你还这样,我就给你加倍扣分了.”校长看到我可怜的神情,心软了,态度终于缓和了.我得到了原谅,高兴地笑了.


