这段文字 是 一些Eclipse相关版本的 功能的解析内容,哪位大师帮忙 翻译一下,谢谢了! pde tool解偏微分方程



翻译下这句话,以后会追加分数的 Dear ladies and gentlemen,you are good。Microelectronic technology professional graduated from Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics and Information.After graduation from the University,directly into the XXX of Shanghai,nearly four years of experience in the semiconductor engineer.In YE and PIE,familiar with the process of semiconductor manufacturing process and single process.As YE,my major is tune monitor defecto tool recipe analysis of line defects of abnormal case,eventually find root cause.I am now in the company,engaged in a year of working with PIE,the product is 0.13um memory products,the products are mainly used for bank card and mobile phone SIM card.Which is mainly responsible for the investigation of low yield wafer,to understand some of the process knowledge semiconductor back and some machine where.The PIE of this experience,I and the company's internal customers(such as CE\\/QE\\/SALES\\/PDE)and external customers direct dealings.My personality is outgoing,。

平底锅受热边缘温度高的原因是什么? 这是由于火焰的温度造成的,加热平底锅时,火焰的外焰部分主要加热平底锅的边缘,火焰的内焰部分主要加热平底锅的中心,外延温度高,内焰温度低,所以平底锅的边缘温度高。。


如何安装Eclipse WTP插件 1.打开如下网页:ht tp:/ww w.e clips e.or g/webtools/,找到需要安装的WTP版本2.点开相应的版本链接,点击“Download”3.打开具体版本的网页链接4.注意如下几项:Required Prerequisites and Handy Extras 安装WTP的先决条件及便利的扩展Eclipse Platform(Platform,JDT)EMF v2.4 Runtime Minimum executable code.EMF XSD v2.4 Runtime Minimum executable code.Graphical Editing Framework(GEF)Data Tools Platform(DTP)(required only for EJB or JPT development)EMF v2.4 Source and Docs Additional download with Source and Documentation.EMF XSD v2.4 Source and Docs Additional download with Source and Documentation.Eclipse Test Framework(required only for Automated JUnit tests)Eclipse releng tool(required only for committers to easily\"release\"code to a build)Third Party code from Orbit.Not required and is currently much than needed for WTP,but some committers like using to create a PDE target.Web Tools Platform Complete Web 工具平台Web App Developers:This non-SDK package is for most。

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