古诗回乡偶书翻译成英文(高分悬赏,急急急~!) 回乡偶书的英文版


<回乡偶书 >贺知章的英文翻译!!!! Coming HomeI left home young and not till old do I come back,My accent is unchanged,my hair no longer black.The children don't know me,whom I meet on the way,Where do you come from,reverend sir?they smile and say.回乡偶书贺知章小少离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛摧。儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来?

古诗回乡偶书翻译成英文(高分悬赏,急急急~!) 回乡偶书的英文版

古诗回乡偶书翻译? 版本一:Return home even bookHe ZhizhangStop leaving home for a short time the eldest child returns to,the local accent nothing changes sideburns hair destroy.Children meet be acquainted for,laugh at ask that where the visitor comes from?版本二:I Left home when a mere stripling,and returned in old age.My native accents remained unchanged,but my ear-lock had grown thin.The children could not recognize me when they saw me.They asked smilingly,\"From where did you come?贺知章(659—744年),字季真,自号四明狂客,越州永兴人。少时以文章诗词知名。唐武周证圣元年(695年)进士,初授国子四门博士,后迁太常博士。开元十年(722年),入丽正殿书院撰修典籍,后转太常少卿。十三年迁礼部侍郎,兼集贤院学士。不久,又为太子右庶子,充侍读。二十六年,调任工部侍郎,不久,迁太子宾客、银青光禄大夫兼正授秘书监。天宝三 年(744年),患病之后请度为道土,告老还乡。不久寿终。唐肃宗称其“器识夷淡,襟怀和雅,神情志逸,学富才雄,挺会稽之美箭,蕴昆岗之良玉。赠礼部尚书。贺知章诗文以绝句见长,其写景、抒怀之作,风格。

古诗回乡偶书翻译成英文(高分悬赏,急急急~!) 回乡偶书的英文版

求回乡偶书的英文翻译 1:回乡偶书 coming home少老离家老大回 I left home young and not till old do i come back,乡音无改鬓发衰儿童相见不相识 My accent is unchanged,my hair no longer black,笑问客从何方来The children don\\'t know me,whom i meet on the way,Where d\\'your come from,reverend sir they smile and say.It won‘t be easyYou‘ll think it strangeWhen I try to explain how I fellThat I still need your loveAfter all that I‘ve doneYou won‘t believe meAll you will say it‘s a girlYou once knewAlthough she‘s dressed up to the nightAt sixes and sevens with youI have to let it happenI have to changeCouldn‘t sail my life down at hillLooking out of the windowStaying out of the sunSo I chose freedomRunning aroundTrying everything newBut nothing impressed me at allI never expected it tooDon‘t cry for me ArgentinaThe truth is I never left youAll through my wild daysMy mad existenceI kept my promiseDon‘t keep your distanceAnd as for fortuneAnd as for fameI never invited them in。

古诗回乡偶书翻译成英文(高分悬赏,急急急~!) 回乡偶书的英文版

古诗《回乡偶书》翻译成英语 版本一:Return home even bookHe ZhizhangStop leaving home for a short time the eldest child returns to,the local accent nothing changes sideburns hair destroy.Children meet be acquainted for,laugh at ask that where the visitor comes from?版本二:I Left home when a mere stripling,and returned in old age.My native accents remained unchanged,but my ear-lock had grown thin.The children could not recognize me when they saw me.They asked smilingly,\"From where did you come?版本三:COMING HOME He ZhizhangI left home young.I return old;Speaking as then,but with hair grown thin;And my children,meeting me,do not know me.They smile and say:\"Stranger,where do you come from?



回乡偶书的原文和译文 一、原文少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来。二、译文青年时离乡老年才归还,口音未变却已鬓发疏落容颜衰老。村童看见我却不能相认,笑着问我这客人是从何处而来。三、出处出自唐代诗人贺知章的《回乡偶书》。扩展资料一、创作背景贺知章在天宝二年(743年)冬天,因病请辞官还乡,获赐镜湖剡川一曲,在次年正月起行回乡,太子以下百官赋诗饯行。年事已高,回到家乡,他心生感慨,于是写下此诗。二、赏析通过少小离家与老大回乡的对比,以突出离开家乡时间之长;通过乡音难改与鬓毛易衰的对比,以突出人事变化速度之快;通过白发衰翁与天真儿童的对比,委婉含蓄地表现了诗人回乡欢愉之情和人世沧桑之感,并且将这两种迥不相同的感情水乳交融地凝合在一起。三、作者简介贺知章,字季真,越州永兴(今浙江萧山)人。少以文词知名,武后证圣元年(695年)进士及第。开元十一年(723年)迁礼部侍郎,后为太子宾客,秘书监。参考资料来源:-回乡偶书

古诗回乡偶书翻译成英文(高分悬赏,急急急~!) 三个版本:自己挑2113一个吧。5261(我个人认为第二版比4102较好,(*_^))版本一:Return home even bookHe ZhizhangStop leaving home for a short time the eldest child returns to,the local accent nothing changes sideburns hair destroy.Children meet be acquainted for,laugh at ask that where the visitor comes from?版本二:I Left home when a mere stripling,and returned in old age.My native accents remained unchanged,but my ear-lock had grown thin.The children could not recognize me when they saw me.They asked smilingly,\"From where did you come?版本三1653:COMING HOME He ZhizhangI left home young.I return old;Speaking as then,but with hair grown thin;And my children,meeting me,do not know me.They smile and say:\"Stranger,where do you come from?


