联系人用英语怎么说? 联系上 英文


联系的英语词组 联系n.relation;contact;connection;affiliationvt.touch(接上关系)contact;touch;connection;relation:keep in contact with;保持联系get in touch with;establish contact with;取得联系the internal relations of things;事物的内部联系have wide social connections;有广泛的社会联系What is the connection between the two ideas?这两个意念之间有何联系?If we don't receive a by tomorrow morning,I shall have to get on to him.如果明天早上我们得不到答复,我们还得和他联系。(使结合)integrate;relate;link;get in touch with:integrate theory with practice;combine theory with practice;apply theory to reality;理论联系实际It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause.这些结果很难与任何已知的原因联系在一起。The interest of individuals is indissolubly linked with that of the country.个人利益同国家利益不可分割地联系在一起。


在手机上联系,英语怎么说 contact sb using/on the mobile phone精;锐;五;角;场;

“联系人”用英语怎么说 联系人:百linkman,contacts,contact person例句:You can also share your contact information with other through QR codes.你也可以通过二维码与他人共享你的联系人信息。If you and the person share common interests,click Invite to my network,and that person willreceive an e-mail inviting him or her to be one of your network contacts.如果您和这名用户具有相度同的兴趣,那回么单击 邀请至我的网络,这名用户将收到一封电子邮件,邀答请他或她加入到您的联系人圈子中。

“联系人”的英文是什么 Contact联系人是用的最常用表示联系人的方法;一般可单用也可和其它表人的代词复用如:Contact:Jack Zhang;Contact Person:Jack Zhang;Contact Name:Jack Zhang;或在某些非。

请问联系人的英文是什么? 联系人的英文linkman,在句中做2113名词使用,还可5261以翻译为节目主持人,具体解4102析如下:1653linkman英[?l??km?n]n.<;英>;(电台电视台讨论节目等的)节目主持人,联系人,(足球)前卫相关短语:1、midfield linkman 中场的联络人2、Metadata Linkman 元数据联系方3、The Linkman 联系人4、linkman nihame 联系人姓名5、linkman name 联系人姓名扩展资料相关例句:1、The linkman sinks into thinking.联络员陷入沉思之中。2、If you have any problems,please call my linkman.如果你碰到困难,给联系人打电话。3、Please let me have the address,telephone number and name of linkman of the localtravel agency.可以,请留下当地接待你们旅行社的地址、电话和联系人。4、No.and signature of linkman.联系人身份证及签名。5、Linkman:Miss Xiaolan Wang.联系人:王晓兰。


