“周五下午有时间”英语怎么说 I will be free when Friday afternoon.
谁能帮我翻译一下英文: 你能将下周五时间留出吗,我们准备安排面试。 Could you set aside the next Friday?We are going to arrange an interview then.
“活动的时间是周五晚上”用英语怎么说? 可以这么说It is on Friday evening that the activity will take place
周四我在北京,周五上午我有时间 英文怎么说? I'll be in Beijing on Thursday,and I'll be free on Friday morning
谁能帮我翻译一下英文:你能将下周五时间留出吗,我们准备安排面试. Could you set aside the next Friday?We are going to arrange an interview then.
你每个周五都有时间吗急需英语 Do you have time to do every Friday.