没有任何事物挡得住爱情英文 英语翻译


我不想自己活在爱情的谎言里,我不想再幻想任何事情,因为你我付出很多了。求翻译成英语怎么写啊? I don't want to live in this illusion of love,I don't want to lie to myself anymore.Because I gave my all to you already.意思为:我不想活在这个抄爱情的幻景里,我不愿意再欺骗自己了。因为我已袭经给你一切zd了。(这样说英文更通顺)

没有任何事物挡得住爱情英文 英语翻译

英语翻译 I was blessed with an innocent love,yet I took it for granted until it was gone.I can name no other thing regretful than this.If I could have a chance to do this all over again,I would tell that girl I love her.If the love between us would have to die off one day,I hope that day won't come at least in the following 10 thousand years.

没有任何事物挡得住爱情英文 英语翻译

求弗洛伊德“生命中惟一重要的事情是爱情和工作”英文原话,原话哦。感激不尽~~~~~ 共4 Love and work are the only first things first in life. 弗洛伊德是奥地利人,生于1856年,1938年移居London。我想,他的“生命中惟一重要的事情是爱情和工作。

没有任何事物挡得住爱情英文 英语翻译


