价格太贵了用英语怎么说 你好,很高兴为你解答:Altough it is a little expensive,it is still very valuable.另外,想说另一位的回答有点小问题,price 只能用high low来形容 希望能帮上你,欢迎。
宾馆价格昂贵用英语怎么说 The price of the hotel is very high.The hotel costs a lot.
酒店价格不要太贵的怎么翻译 酒店价格不要太贵的.Don't want the hotel whose price is expensive.
我住在一家旅馆里用英语怎么说是 i stayed at hotal 还是 i live i 亲爱哒一般用第二个。但是live要加d变成lived
英语翻译:由于造价过于昂贵,许多人都反对在市中心建造新宾馆. lots of people object to build new hotel in the center of the city for the high price.