我的家乡在泰山脚下 我的家乡美丽的泰安作文


英语翻译 My hometown is under the foot of Mount Tai,Mount Tai is an eternal famous mountain,the animals and plants kind is abundant,there are huge ecosystems and a lot of interesting biological chains.For example,green plants grass,the liver moss,etc.is eaten by the little insect,the little insect is eaten by the sparrow,and the sparrow is eaten by the snake,the final snake is prayed on by the eagle.This is an intact food chain.Corpse of hawk wait for microorganism resolve inorganic matter into bacterium fungi finally.In the ability transmission of this biological chain,energy decreases progressively step by step,fewer and fewer.These biological chain for keep ecosystem equilibrate have important function,and have natural regulating action as to the environmental protection of the nature.Today when the environmental problem is severe,it is our duty-bound responsibility to protect the living beings,it is forbidden to catch and wound and hurt the animals and plants,try one's bit for the green 。

我的家乡在泰山脚下 我的家乡美丽的泰安作文


我的家乡在泰山脚下 我的家乡美丽的泰安作文


我的家乡在泰山脚下 我的家乡美丽的泰安作文


关于我爱家乡的作文3年级150字 我的家乡在泰山脚下,泰城可美啦。那里有许许多多的树木和花草.树木默默地睡了整整一个冬天,到了春天,终于被春姑娘叫醒了.它们看看这儿,看看哪儿,好像永远看不够似的…啊。虎山动物园有凶猛的老虎、顽皮的猴子和可爱的梅花鹿,可热闹啦。天庭乐园里人山人海,小朋友有的滑滑草,有的坐过山车,还有的荡秋千,大家玩得可开心啦。看,我们的泰城多热闹,多好玩呀。指导老师:杨庆福评语:多么纯真的家乡,是孩子眼里的家乡.

描写泰山的作文 泰山风景名胜区是世界自然与文化双重遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国重点文物保护单位,中华国山,中国非物质文化遗产,全国文明风景。


请帮我写一篇英语作文? My home town is located at the foot of Mount Tai,which covers an area of approximately 1277 square kilometers and with a population of about 1 million.My home town has a long history and rich mineral resources,it is famous for the organic vegetable base.It has beautiful environment and many large parks.With the fast economic development,the life of the people is happy and the competitiveness is increasing.

