长期稳定性试验 翻译 英语翻译本文首先介绍了发动机稳定性分析技术的概念、发展此技术的意义以及稳定性分析技术的研究现状,简要的介绍了本文所要开展的工作.从理论分析和试验分析两方面研究发动机稳定



谁能给我一篇关于药物稳定性的英文资料。笼统点的。再把它翻译成汉语? 药品的稳定性是指原料药及制剂保持其物理、化学、生物学和微生物学的性质,通过对原料药和制剂在不同条件(如温度、湿度、光线等)下稳定性的研究,掌握药品质量随时间变化的规律,为药品的生产、包装、贮存条件和有效期的确定提供依据,以确保临床用药的安全性和临床疗效。稳定性研究是药品质量控制研究的主要内容之一,与药品质量研究和质量标准的建立紧密相关。稳定性研究具有阶段性特点,贯穿药品研究与开发全的过程,一般始于药品的临床前研究,在药品临床研究期间和上市后还应继续进行稳定性研究。本文为一般性原则,具体的试验设计和评价应遵循具体问题具体分析的原则。The drugs stability is refers to the bulk drugs and the preparation maintains its physical,chemistry,the biology and the microbiology nature,through to the bulk drugs and the preparation in the dissimilar condition(for example temperature,humidity,optical fiber and so on)the downward stability research,grasps the drugs quality along with the time variation rule,for the drugs production,the packing,the storing condition and the term of validity 。

哪个朋友可以帮忙翻译一段中文摘要到音问啊。悬:20 谢谢拉 哪个朋友可以帮忙翻译一段中文摘要到音问啊.悬:20 谢谢拉 简述国外高速铁路无碴轨道发展概况,论述我国无碴轨道选型及关键技术。对我国高速铁路前期选用的三种结构型式无碴。


英语翻译 I take a research about the stability of VC,which provide experiment basis for producing excellent VC.Method:take different experiments-VC's stopper experiment,PH experiment,temperature experiment,humidity experiment,illumination experiment and high temperature accelerate experiment to check out the elements which can affect the stability of VC.Result:stopper have no influence to VCVC stays fairly stable when the PH between 5.6 and 6.0as the temperature grow,VC's degradation speed is increasing,but its speed will reach to zero at certain levelhumidity and illumination have clear acclerated effect to the degradation of VC,the use limitation of the product is two yearsConclution:when producing VC,we should use CO2 saturated WFI under 25℃,the PH should be controled between 5.6 and 6.0 and avoid using metal instruments and the product should be kept closed retreat.

帮忙翻译一篇文章的 摘要 experiment of control system stability analysis is a typical application example of computer control technology.Stability can be defined as the ability of 。

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