下午茶英文怎么说 中午茶英文


英语翻译 In the morning my friends and I met each other at the gate of the park.Next we went to boating.In the afternoon we had a picnic under a tree.We had taken a lot of delicious food.字数有限参考下~

下午茶英文怎么说 中午茶英文


下午茶英文怎么说 中午茶英文

「下午茶」用英语怎么说? afternoon tea[英][?ɑ:ft??nu:n ti:][美][??ft??nun ti]【例2113句】Visiting gardens and afternoon tea are the perfect complement for one another.逛花园和喝下午茶是对彼5261此最好的补充.Would you like to enjoy a relaxing afternoon tea?喜欢用茶包4102享用一个下午茶的时光吗?Please look under plate glass at the menu for afternoon tea.请看玻璃下面的茶点1653单.At tea-time,Victoria sang duets with her Consort,Prince Albert.喝下午茶的时候,维多利亚与其夫君艾伯特亲王表演了二重唱。I'm doing the sandwiches for tea.我在做下午茶吃的三明治。I took her to tea at the Ritz.我带她去里茨饭店吃下午茶了。

下午茶英文怎么说 中午茶英文

下午茶时间到了的英文怎么说 下午2113茶时间到了的英文:5261It is time for afternoon tea.重点词汇1、time英[ta?m]美[ta?m]n.时间;时代;4102次数;节拍;倍数vt.计时;1653测定…的时间;安排…的速度adj.定时的;定期的;分期的双语例句:Time passed,and still Ma did not appear.时间一点点过去,马先生仍然没有出现。2、afternoon英[ɑ?ft?'nu?n]美[,?ft?'nun]n.午后,下午双语例句:She studies art two afternoons a week.她每周两个下午学习艺术。扩展资料:It is time for是一个固定搭配,表示是做什么的时候了,afternoon tea.表示的是下午茶,类似的用法还有It is time for breakfast等等。It's time for和it is a time for的区别:1、强调点不同it is time for表示是时候、是时间的意思,强调时间点;it is a time for多了一个冠词a,强调一段时期。如:it is time to break the chains of life.是时候去挣脱生命的束缚了。2、语气不同it is time for一般是虚拟语气,表将来时;it is a time for既可以是虚拟语气,也可是陈述语气,可以表示过去时、现在时、将来时。如:It is time for this war to be brought to an end.这场战争必须结束了。

「下午茶」用英语怎么说? I don't think most people in the U.K.have tea in the sense that thequestion is asking.Though many people do enjoy too.I've never heard any one I knew from the 。

求个简单的英文翻译 时光可翻译的英文有:time;times;years;days;及 hours 其实是依情况及内容而定下那个是为最贴切的.而下午茶的英文除了afternoon tea 还有:high tea;tea;Teatime当中Teatime是最为常见的,因为英国的喝茶(点心)时间本来就在下午(午后),所以翻成中文才叫下午茶.以是您的句子也可以翻译成:A time of high tea.Teatime hoursAfternoon tea hoursHigh tea hours 等等我之所以都选择用hours是因为这是在描述(比较欢乐,珍贵)的时光时最常见的用词.

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