淘宝上退货流程是怎样的已经收到了 1.英语作文假设你叫李华,刚收到两周前在网上订购的一件英国商品,发现质量有问题.请用英语写一篇1


用英语写一篇投诉信、要求如下: To whom it may concern:Have a good day and thanks for reading my letter.This is what happened:I bought a new digital camera in your shop few days ago,and after I back to home,I found that there were.

淘宝上退货流程是怎样的已经收到了 1.英语作文假设你叫李华,刚收到两周前在网上订购的一件英国商品,发现质量有问题.请用英语写一篇1

阅读材料,回答问题。 (1)①要制定正确的经营战,战定位准确,才能抓住机遇,加快发展二淘宝卖家根据市场需求和特点预估制定销售目标,发布策,组织生产和经营。②要提高自主创新能力,依靠技术进步、科学管理等手段.

淘宝上退货流程是怎样的已经收到了 1.英语作文假设你叫李华,刚收到两周前在网上订购的一件英国商品,发现质量有问题.请用英语写一篇1

大致内容是这样的:一个买家向商家投诉,他买了一部手机,发现手机有问题.以这个为中心,写100字左右的投诉信.、 Dear sir/madamWe bought the SQ200 cellphone from your company several days ago and found that we can not take pictures and send or receice messanges because of the malfunction which couses us great inconvient.Would you please check the cellphone and replace a new one for us or get a refound for this.I hope you could deal with it as soon as possible.Your prompt will be highly appreciated.Best wishesYoursWang Hua2008 12 21

淘宝上退货流程是怎样的已经收到了 1.英语作文假设你叫李华,刚收到两周前在网上订购的一件英国商品,发现质量有问题.请用英语写一篇1

帮忙写一篇英语作文.你收到一周前在网上订购的一件商品,发现质量有问题,用英语写封投诉信.包括以下要点 Dear Sirs,I appreciate for your timely delivery to my order,which is an Iphone5 mobile phone that has been ordered in March 15th with the price of 599$.But I regret to tell you that something wrong.

帮忙用英语写一篇网购退货的电子邮件 Dear Sir or Madam,Thank you for your package,however,I am afraid the commodity does not serve the purpose I thought it would.Therefore,I have to ask for a refund with immediate effect.I would arrange.


