英语翻译 当你回来时你必须告诉他英语怎么说


英语翻译 i'd like to live in a big bright house.can u tell me how to go to the Renming Park?can u tell me when will the meeting start?i'll tell Mr.Green when he comes back.i wanna know where is Tina's house?how long can i keep this book?which class won the game finally.i'll go to Paris next week.France is a country highly consuming.i want to leave for 3 weeks.

英语翻译 当你回来时你必须告诉他英语怎么说

英语翻译:我不知道他什么时候回来,如果他回来了我就告诉你 I don't know when he will come back。If he comes back I will tell you

英语翻译 当你回来时你必须告诉他英语怎么说

英语翻译 请问找谁?Could you please tell me who do you want?他刚出去了,现在不在He went out just now and was not here.请问你是谁?Excuse me,who is that?请问你是从哪打来的?I would like to know where did you call from?可以为你捎口信吗?Can I leave a message for you?他回来我告诉他你打过电话给他.I will tell him you have called him.

英语翻译 当你回来时你必须告诉他英语怎么说

他一回来我就告诉他.在英语里怎么说? i will tell him as soon as he come back.

“请告诉我你的电话 等他回来后打给你” 用英文怎么说 Please tell me your telephone number,he will call you after he is back

她回来时,我会告诉你英语句子 上述句子的翻译如下:I will tell you when she comes back.简析:will:将会 tell:告诉 when:当.come back:回来【英辅】团队为您竭诚解答希望对您有用

当你回来的时候必须告诉他翻译 当你回来的时候必须告诉他You must tell him when you come backYou must tell him when you come back

英语翻译 感觉willwugang 的基本是对的.修改一些.1.I do my homework every morning.2.Does he know that policeman?3.You must hand in me your homework by tomorrow.(人称代词应该在动作和物之间)4.He told me yesterday t.


