翻译句子:1、如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手。(feel free to do),2/我已经很长一段时间没有收到露西的 1.Please feel free to raise your hands when you have any questions.2.It has been a long time for me not to hear from Lucy.(I haven't heard from Lucy for a long time.)
如有任何问题请随时联系我用英语怎么说? 如有任何需要请随时与我联系英文是Ifthereisanyneed,pleasecontactmeatanytime.重点词汇:1、任何any;whatever;whichever。2、需要need;needs;require;want;demand。3、随时atanytime;atalltimes;whenevernecessary;astheoccasiondemands;atanymoment。4、联系contact;connection;touch;relation。
英语翻译“如有疑问,请随时通知我” If you have any questions,please inform me
翻译“如有疑难问题,请随时与老师联系”成英语 please keep in touch with your teacher when you meet any problems.