
爬的英语是什么? 爬climb;shin;creep;crawl 爬的英语是什么? 英[kla?m]美[kla?m] vi.爬;攀登;上升 vt.爬;攀登;上升 n.爬;攀登 [过去式 climbed或 clomb过去分词 climbed或 clomb现在分词 climbing] 爬山的英语是什么? “爬山”的英语:climb mountains. 例句: 1、We can fly a kite and climb mountains. 我们能放风筝,爬山。2、I'm getting a bit long in the tooth to climb mountains. 我再去爬山年纪太大了些。3、We plan to climb mountains,go fishing,swimming and surfing. 我们打算去爬山、钓鱼、游泳还要去冲浪。重点词汇:一、climb 英[kla?m]美[kla?m] v.爬;攀登;上升;登山 n.攀登;山,岩;增值;晋升二、mountain 英[?ma?nt?n]美[?ma?ntn] n.山脉;山,山岳;一大堆;大量复数:mountains 扩展资料同义词辨析 ascend、climb【词义:升,爬】 1、ascend v.[正式]上升;[书]登上〔辨析〕指位置升高,也指人攀登到较高的地方。〔例证〕The balloon ascended slowly. 气球缓缓升起。2、climb v.爬升,攀登〔辨析〕普通用词,尤指手脚并用地费力攀登,也可指数字、数量、水平等攀升。〔例证〕The boys were climbing trees. 男孩们在爬树。 爬的英语是什么 creep 英[kri:p]美[krip] vi.爬行,匍匐;缓慢地行进;n.爬行,蠕动;虫爬着似的感觉,毛骨悚然;卑鄙小人,谄媚者;[例句]Back I go to the hotel and creep up to my room ... 爬的英语单词怎么读 climb英音:[klaim]美音:[kla?m] “爬”的英语读法是什么? “爬”的英文:climb,音标[kla?m],按音标读。vi.爬;攀登;上升 vt.爬;攀登;上升 n.爬;攀登 相关词组: climb trees 爬树;爬上树 climb cutting[机]顺铣;... 爬的英文是什么? 您好 crawl:to move forth on your limbs with body close to the ground 匍匐前行 可形容人、昆虫、车辆、时间缓缓流逝 creep:to move slowly,quietly and carefully,... 爬的英文是什么? CLoMB 爬的英文怎么写 crawl、2113creep、climb、clamber、scale 一、crawl 读音:英[kr??l]美5261[kr??l] 释义:爬,爬4102行。例句: I watched the moth crawl up the outside of the lampshade. 我看着飞蛾爬到灯罩外面1653。二、creep 读音:英[kri?p]美[kri?p] 释义:匍匐,爬行。例句: I always hated that statue.It gave me the creeps. 我一直都很讨厌那座雕像。它让我心里发毛。三、climb 读音:英[kla?m]美[kla?m] 释义:攀登,爬。例句: The plane took off for LA,lost an engine as it climbed,and crashed just off the runway. 飞机起飞前往洛杉矶,在爬升过程中一台发动机熄火,刚飞离跑道就坠毁了。四、clamber 读音:英[?kl?mb?(r)]美[?kl?mb?r] 释义:攀登,攀爬。例句: He was too out of condition to clamber over the top. 他体质太差,爬不到山顶。五、scale 读音:英[ske?l]美[ske?l] 释义:匍匐行进。例句: The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten 患者按十分制给这些治疗方法打分。 爬的英语是什么? 您好crawl:to move forth on your limbs with body close to the ground 匍匐前行 可形容人、昆虫、车辆、时间缓缓流逝creep:to move slowly,quietly and carefully,because you do not want to be heard 用四肢爬,尤指偷偷或不出声地爬,亦可指植物蔓延生长等climb:to go up sth.to the top指用四肢爬上爬下,飞机、日、月的上升,亦可用作比喻clamber:to climb with difficulties scramble:=clamber望采纳


