水产品英文 英语翻译



有水产产品名称吗?中英文 我有水产常用品种的专业英文词典,是八十年代出的,现在市面上已经看不到了,你如果需要查什么品种可私信留言。网上的东西不是专业,翻译不够准确。如果你仅为好奇,也可参照网上的。

水产品有限公司的英文怎么说 翻译结果水产品有限公司Water products co.LTD水产品[水产]aquatic product网络释义 专业释义 汉语释义aquatic productFish productssea foodMarine Product短语冻水产品 frozen aquatic products水产品加工业 aquatic product processing industry;product processing;fishproducts processing;aquatic products process industries有机水产品 organic seafood

谁能提供关于水产的英语词汇 求采纳

英语翻译 In my hometown there is a place called Tong,which is a very famous place.Tong rich in seafood and fish is very famous there.Tong has a lot of the old stone house,the stone is not only a long history,and very cultural characteristics.Tong also has a very famous tourist attraction,known as\"the dawn of the Millennium Monument\"Every day,thousands of tourists to visit here.It is because of these,known as the Paris of the East so Tong.

水产类英语求助 Settlement tanks:幼苗池Weaning Tanks:小鱼池Grow out tanks:生长鱼池Nitrogen Freezing Plant:液氮冷冻厂我不是很专业,看得懂么?

英语翻译 The implementation of brand strategy of aquatic products,aquatic products marketing is not only an inevitable trend,but also to enhance the market competitiveness of the fisheries business major route of transmission.Aquatic products to China through the creation of brand development trend analysis found that the existence of brand building aquatic weak brand awareness,brand publicity is not enough to confuse genuine branded products,brand support and other issues enough.Based on this,proposed to strengthen brand awareness,increase brand awareness,focus on quality and safety of branded products,such as promoting the brand to achieve way in technological innovation.

水产字英文翻译是? aquatic product水产品aquiculture水产养殖

水产用的英文 For Aquaculture



