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英语翻译 Pride and Prejudice\"has been that\"every that such starts bachelor having property,surely,need has married Mrs,this has already become a truth being universally acknowledged.Such a bachelor,a on every occasion new move to local,all the neighbouring households does not know about his state of mind though complete how,view how,in any case,people always looks upon him as one property deserved by a self some daughter reason therefore since a such truth becomes deeply ingrained in in mental view already in people\".[1](P1)marriage said by here,evidently does not relate to affection,is economic problems,survival problem solely.Treat the girl who marries to those,Gelai handsome and solid however abstract location,they see that his\"body has the blue upper outer garment on try to far,have reached be riding one black horse\",key is to have\"property\".[2](P16)simplifies marriage depicted by 路 Austen,is not being love result marriage,but being the marriage that economy needs.Therefore,we can say with。

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