柳宗元石涧记图片 柳宗元的《石涧记》写的是什么?



柳宗元石涧记图片 柳宗元的《石涧记》写的是什么?

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柳宗元石涧记图片 柳宗元的《石涧记》写的是什么?

柳宗元的《石涧记》中的“若陈筵席”的陈是什么意思 陈列,摆满

柳宗元石涧记图片 柳宗元的《石涧记》写的是什么?

柳宗元的《石渠记》《石涧记》全篇的译文 求柳宗元《石渠记》译文[原文]自渴西南行不能百步,得石渠,民桥其上.有泉幽幽然,其鸣乍大乍细.渠之广或咫尺,或倍尺,其长可十许步.其流抵大石,伏出其下.逾石而往,有石泓,昌蒲被之,青鲜环周.又折西行,旁陷岩石下,北堕小.

急求<石涧记>柳宗元 的翻译 The air and gas rig net,tianshan were color.From flow drift,any thing.Since one hundred the fuyang to tonglu xu,rugged mountains different water,exclusive rejected.Piao water are green,cubits see bottom.Fish fine stone,looking at not matter.What streams threaten arrows,fierce waves if rush.Clip shore(the new teaching material is used in the\"Zhang\")mountains,are born cold tree,negative potential competition,each other Miao xuan,contend for high points to,from hundreds.Spring shock stone,the LingLing;Good bird phase Ming,they into rhymes.Cicada is thousand turn endlessly,the apes are the that have no unique.Fly the kite the crime day,at the peak in heart rate;The economy the affairs,peep forget the valley.The cap on ko,in the days and out of judah;Article of mirror cheng,sometimes see day.The wind stopped,smoke all try net,the sky and the distant present in the same color.(I in a boat)along with the water floating mobile,follow one's inclinations,let the ship be caused by viewing the 。

《石涧记》中,石涧美在那三个方面??? 美在泉水叮咚作响,石头形态各异,交织的水流,像翠鸟羽毛般的树木,像鱼龙麟甲般的石块。


