求一篇疯狂动物城的观后感作文,英语写的,最少150个单词 阴谋背后的真相 英文


历史上真实发生的陶乐德国事件真相是什么? 平行宇宙真实存在?世上存在时空旅行?又或是外星生命的伪装失败?神秘“陶乐德国(Taured)”事件究竟是怎样发生的?日本政府是否扣押了这名神秘来客?这一切的背后,是谎言、传说还是被隐藏的真相?敬请期待…在今天,“来自陶乐德的神秘旅客”这一事件有着有三种不同的发展。我先讲述一个比较细致完整的故事,而后再逐一而述。【大致内容】在1954年一个闷热潮湿的日子里,一名衣冠楚楚的高加索人引发了同一班乘客们的注意。他从欧洲飞抵日本东京的羽田机场,他向官员们大声争辩自己的身份。一位经常出差的自由商人,钱包中塞满了欧洲各国的货币,会讲法语在内的多种语言和较流畅的日语,自称是今年第三次来到日本,护照上满是日本和多个国家的印戳…这些都很合理。唯独一个疑点,护照国籍上奇怪地显示了“Taured(陶乐德)”,一个无人知晓的国度。日本海关官员因此困惑,他们打电话向邀请这名商人的公司证实,可该公司表示一无所知,无论是此人,此事,或他代表的公司。而这名神秘旅客所使用的银行、支票簿同样也是虚构不存在的。最终,当日本海关官员摊开地图让他指出这个“陶乐德国”时,他所指的却是安道尔,一个确实存在绵延千年的欧洲内陆小国。海关不知该如何应对。


疯狂动物城内容用英语简介 Crazy Town animal\"produced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation,a modern urban animals,each animal in here have their own homes,Plaza Sahara desert climate,。

疯狂动物城英语读后感50字 \"Crazy Town animal\"produced by Walt Disney Pictures of 3D animation,a modern urban animals,each animal in here have their own homes,Plaza Sahara desert climate,year-round cold glacier town and so on,it is like a big melting pot,the animals here Peaceful Coexistence-whether it was an elephant or a little mouse,as long as you work hard can break some tricks.Rabbit Judy grew up on the dream can become animal city police,despite all the people around feel rabbit impossible when the police,but she still through their own efforts,among the to the whole is bigger animal town police station,became the first officer for rabbits.In order to prove himself,she decided to solve a mystery case.Follow the truth on the road,Judy force in animal town to swindling fox Nick to help himself,but found that behind the pile cases hidden an intended to subvert the huge conspiracy Town animal,they had to cooperate together,to try uncover the hidden truth in this huge conspiracy.《疯狂动物城》由迪士尼。

如何评价:惊天阴谋, 正在摧毁中华民族的根基! 无数国人正沉迷其中, 而背后真相,令人胆战心惊!? https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GlRIVoJDepbZASSPsu4cJg21世纪,是让中国人无比骄傲的一个时代,科技日新月…

疯狂动物城英文简介 ,急!!在线等 Crazy animal city\"by Disney pictures produced the 3D animation,the film tells the story of a peaceful coexistence in all animal animal City,Judi rabbit through。



