B:我就是要骂他。(主要翻译“就是”这个语气,英语中有“就是”这个词吗?) A:Why did you drop on him?B:No reason。A:Why did you scold/curse him?B:No reason。(没什么原因。潜台词:没什么原因,我就是要骂他)翻译为英文也许不能逐字逐句.2种语言的表达方式不同.
你可以打我,骂我,就是不要不理我 帮我翻译成英语 谢谢 You can hit me,curse me,just do not ignore me.
英语翻译 he is your classmate,isn't he?英语用反问表示肯定.他是你的同学,对吧.或者.he is your classmate.right?
“他有时很严格、但他很少会骂我们”翻译成英文 He is sometimes very strict with us but seldom scolds us.He is humourous and optimistic.
英语翻译 I don't want to let go,but how can I stop you from leaving.I hope you can lead a happy life everafter,but still I wish to be a part of your life.I am conflicting myself,I know,and I hate that.I didn't intend to be indifferent like what I showed.Deep in my heart,I do hope that we can hold our hands and walk ahead for the rest of our lives.
英语翻译 I love your calling me\"pig\".(your calling及后面全部作为宾语跟在love后面)What i love is that you call me\"pig\".I like you to call me\"pig\".(喜欢得含有希望“你叫我猪”的意味了…呵呵)供参考…补充,第二句选i am not alone,很简洁很好的句子,电影里面常用的^_^
英语翻译 What did you say?What did you say just now?Why did you say like that?right?