猴子们呢干什么英文 但是猴子们没有一丝变化的英语单词怎么写?



猴子们呢干什么英文 但是猴子们没有一丝变化的英语单词怎么写?

猴子的英文 猴子英文单词是:2113monkey 5261读音:英['m??ki]美['m??ki]释义:n.猴子;猴一样的人v.嘲弄;胡闹4102;模仿例句:I have a pet monkey which attempts to mock all my actions.我养1653了一只猴子当宠物,它试图模仿我所有的动作。词汇搭配:1、young monkey[谑]小淘气儿,小捣蛋2、make a monkey of oneself 做蠢事,丢丑3、make amonkey of sb.使某人出丑;愚弄某人4、make amonkey out of sb.使某人出丑;愚弄某人5、one's monkey is up[俚]发怒,生气。扩展资料:近义词1、simian读音:英['s?mi?n]美['s?mi?n]释义:adj.猿的;类人猿的;猴子一般的n.猴子;类人猿例句:They came to this conclusion by looking at those simian immunodeficiency virus.他们得出这一结论的依据来自于对猿免疫缺陷病毒的观察。2、ape读音:英[e?p]美[e?p]释义:n.猿 adj.<;俚>;疯狂的 v.模仿例句:The ape imitated our behavior.猿猴模仿我们的行为。3、orangutan读音:英[???r??u?'t?n]美[o?'r??u??t?n]释义:n.猩猩例句:This orangutan is back in her enclosure after briefly escaping.在短暂的逃跑之后,猩猩回到了它。

猴子们呢干什么英文 但是猴子们没有一丝变化的英语单词怎么写?

描写动物在干什么的英语作文 Before visiting the zoo,I had no idea how informative a visit to a zoo might be.Though the zoo I have visited is not big,I found many kinds of interesting animals and other creatures there.Lions,tigers and other animals were moving about lazily in their cages.Some of the animals appeared to be bored,and they took little interest in the visitors.The monkeys,however,showed their natural agility.Whenever they saw a visitor,they ran towards him and begged for something to eat.I was indeed amused at their behavior.Most of them were caught in Malaysia and their variety was amazing.But the most inportant is I like animals very much.Some of the birds too were very interesting to see.Their beautiful feathers fascinated me.Birds are indeed one of the loveliest creations of god.A few birds are larger than many animals.The lions and the tigers in this zoo were so docile that I could not but treat them as domestic animals like the dog and the cat.I went very close to them,but they showed little 。

猴子们呢干什么英文 但是猴子们没有一丝变化的英语单词怎么写?


但是猴子们没有一丝变化的英语单词怎么写? But without the slightest change in monkeys

猴子英语翻译 猴子英文怎么说



