英语翻译 Today is a good day,I'm very happy because it's my birthsday.My friends all came and gave me presents.We went to the park and had a good time.We had dinner in a resterant and ate a delicious birthsdaycake,had wishes.This is a happy day and it's also my birthsday party.如有误,请多多包涵.
[亲子周末]要玩就玩尽兴,一起走进马坝人遗址 宝宝知道是由研发,面向备孕、孕期、0-6岁父母的专业母婴知识社区。宝宝知道与三甲医院联手提供定制化及可视化服务。在这里你可以得到孕育知识、权威专家在线答疑。
英语作文 A Camping Experience
让我们来看看吧。用英文怎么说 let's have a lookthey had a good time at the partythey want to go to Beijing for vacation during summer holidaythings