帮助写英语作文 医疗费用高 英语作文


求英语作文如何减轻病人的医疗负担 我叫*,今年9岁,上了五年级,已是个大娃娃了。性别:从来不上男厕所。不知道当初爸妈是怎么想的;可我总觉得自己的名字有点不好听。“何”和“亚”都比较顺口,但“澜”字不好听,它的音与“男生”的“男”字相近,许多人一听到我的名字,总把“澜”错写成“男”,那该让人家多不好意思呀!但是,这名字意义深刻。爸妈希望我一定要加倍努力,超过那些总是瞧不起我们女孩的男孩子。我们其实在各个方面并不亚于他们。我们班的李欢给我起了个挺逗的绰号—“河水豆花”。我想:叫“河水豆花”又怎么了?只要我努力,就一定能变“巾帼英雄”。哼哼,到时看你还敢瞧不起我。性格:我是一个既张牙舞爪又善解人意的单纯的小女孩。在学校里,我和赵佩垚、王哲等一些好朋友总爱在走廊中乱蹦乱跳,吵得楼下的老师和同学都忍不住上来说上几次。每次远远地看到老师一来,我们便轻轻悄悄地迅速地你推我赶地跑进了教室。记得有一次,我不经意地在窗前看见一位衣衫褴褛的老婆婆在我家楼下捡纸屑。早就听人说,她有两个儿子,大儿子讨厌她,二儿子嫌弃她,都不爱她,她只得以捡垃圾为生。看着她颤颤巍巍地挪动着步子,躬着腰将纸屑、塑料袋子从垃圾堆里掏出来丢进背兜里…一种可怜与。

求一篇“health care\ In our technologically advanced society,new medicine and medical advancements are cropping up in the medical field every day.Breakthroughs are than common,but ironically,the price of health care.

写建议的英语作文 李莉生病住院了,病情严重,需要花很多钱,,由于家庭困难不能支付医疗费用,同学们 Li Li is my classmate.She is in hospital now because she is badly ill.We went to the hospital to see herone day.She lay in bed with a sad look.Her doctor told us that her illness was very serious and she had tostay in hospital for a long time.But her family is poor.She has no money to pay for the medicine.We decidedto do something.We wrote a letter to a newspaper and asked people to help her.With the help of the doctors,Li Li is getting better and better.She said thanks to us and said that she would study harder to catch up withus.

帮助写英语作文 Now there are still many problems which are about the high cost of medicine and the difficulties of seeing a doctor.What make these problems?It's because there are too many people in China.What's wors.

