罗雪娟英语 y英语完成句子



罗雪娟英语 y英语完成句子

运动员英语介绍 完全不知道你的\"六年级水平\"指的是什么水平.下面这个市易建连的小学六年级介绍水平,仅供参考。易建连:YiJianLian,a famous Chinese basketball player,was born in GuangDong,China.He is very tall and he can play basketball very well.When he.

罗雪娟英语 y英语完成句子

请翻译一下罗雪娟的\ Thank those people who like and hate me.

罗雪娟英语 y英语完成句子

我将来想像罗雪娟一样成为游泳运动员。翻译成英文 I expect myself to be a swimming player like Luo Xuejuan in the future.

请问罗雪娟一共夺得过几个长池世锦赛冠军? 请问罗雪娟一共夺得过几个长池世锦赛冠军? 2001年 世锦赛50米、100米蛙泳冠军2003年 巴塞罗那世锦赛50米、100米蛙泳、4×100混合泳接力冠军


罗雪娟的英文简介 Luo Xuejuan is a female Chinese swimmer,who competed mostly in the breaststroke.She began swimming in 1991 because her parents thought she was so thin that the exercise would make her stronger.Luo first caught attention when she won the 100 breast at China's 2000 Olympics Trials in Jinan in a solid time of 1:08.87 and finished second in the 200 breast in 2:27.29.Strangely,she was only selected to swim the 200 breast,her weaker event,at the 2000 Summer Olympics a few months later.She posted a PB of 2:25.86 in the semi-finals,only to falter in the final and finish 8th in 2:27.33.Going into 2001,Luo progressed rapidly.At the Chinese Nationals in April,she set a national record of 1:07.85 in the 100 breast and placed 2nd in the 200 breast(2:26.37)which was won by Qi Hui in a world record(2:22.99).Shortly afterwards,Luo lowered by 100 breast national record to 1:07.42 at the 2001 East Asian Games in Osaka.At the 2001 World Championships in Fukuoka,Luo took home 4 medals,。

有没关于罗雪娟的英文简历? 没

罗雪娟性格外冷内热 不服输有霸气最大缺点是啥 刚刚结束的上海游泳世锦赛上,作为形象大使的罗雪娟大概是看台上最抢镜的观众了吧。能跟她抢抢风头的,我看只有菲尔普斯的老妈和女友了。我一直以为自己应该以最快的速度写罗罗。因为我们同是浙江的运动员,同样以水为伴,在美国读书时又同一寝室,偶尔还同在一张床上聊天到不想睡觉。但就是这样一个闺中密友,真要写时我却发现自己无法落笔,因为要把一个真实的罗雪娟告诉大家并不容易。人们总觉得那个曾经的“蛙后”很难靠近,没成为同学之前我也这样觉得,但现在我完全没有这种感觉。也许我说几件我们相处的小事,大家会看到一个不一样的罗雪娟。水瓶座的罗雪娟 性格就像热水瓶 刚到美国不久,我的英语水平基本排在全班倒数前三名,所以免不了总是要让大家担心。第一次在异国独自坐飞机,罗罗一路给我短信指引和安慰:“你别担心,转机不难的,试过一次以后你就都会了。“起飞给我短信。又比如自驾游,她们从旧金山开车到黄石公园,我从纽约去黄石和她们会合。为了不让我走丢,罗罗强烈要求我的手机24小时开机,以便随时联系。她发给我的那些短信我至今保留着,偶尔翻看,依然能感受到温暖。去年冬天,威斯康辛下暴风雪,交通严重不便。但部分要回国的留学生们都。

高中英文5句写作 Luo Xuejuan,a 23-year-old girl,was born in Zhejiang.She got swimming trainings when she was very young.Then,in 2000,she made a fine figure.Since then,she became a famous swimmer.She had made a great a.

