我在一个厂里面上班是 我要上班有事了的英文


英语翻译 1、Since the two ship 123 and 456 being added to this week,so had originally planned to plant the three cargo into the next week.2、Everybody is good,today I was not in the company,tomorrow,please go.

我在一个厂里面上班是 我要上班有事了的英文

明天要去上班了,可是突然有事想过几天去,该怎么说啊。 I have to go to work tomorrow,but suddenly something happen so I need a few days before I can start working.

我在一个厂里面上班是 我要上班有事了的英文

我在一个厂里面上班是 你好!收集你跟原厂存在劳动关系的证据(如工卡、工服等)到劳动局投诉,你正常工作一天,工厂就应该支付工作一天的钱。

我在一个厂里面上班是 我要上班有事了的英文

\ i will go to work,if you have anything,please call me。



英语翻译 For some personal affairs,I'll have a leave for two days,and back to work on Wednesday,thank you.

帮我写三个英语短信写三个短信 每个短信 都要50个字左右请假(家中有事不能上班)约会(请女朋友出来约会)开生日PARTY(自己过生日邀请大家来自己家中开PARTY)

英语翻译 I am Li Hua,so sorry that for some reasons I won't be able to attend your birthday party.The reason is because my father suddenly fell ill,and my mother is also very busy with some matters,so I have to take care of my father.I specially mailed a birthday present to congratulate you,Happy birthday to you,and very sorry.I shall make it up to you next time,and will attend whenever if you invite again。We shall have an outing soon after my father gets better.In the mean time,please keep in touch,bye.A very best friend of yours,Lihua

翻译成英语:\ I may not be able to work tomorrow to deal with some family issues.Perhaps I will not come to work tomorrow for some family issues.

