英语作文 生活中如何预防疾病的作文 有中文的 武汉肺炎会传染给动物吗


C.人生下来以后就具有了对多种病原体的防御能力 A、蛔虫病、非典型性肺炎、甲型流感分别是由蛔虫、SARS病毒、甲流感病毒引起的,都能够在人与人之间以及人与动物之间传播,都是传染病.故不符合题意;B、传染病都是由外界的病原体引起的,非传染病不是由病原体引起的,如肿瘤是由自身细胞免疫功能异常引起的.故符合题意;C、人生下来以后就具有了第一、二道防线等非特异性免疫,具有了对多种病原体的防御能力.故不符合题意;D、健康不仅仅是没有疾病,健康是指一种身体上、心理上和社会适应方面的良好状态,近年来,世界卫生组织又把道德修养和生殖质量也纳入了健康的范畴.故不符合题意.故选B.


小明身患肺炎,需要住院治疗,不是很严重,鼓励他要有勇气,好好治疗 与疾病作斗争,鼓励他战胜疾病,祝他早日康复


请用英文写一篇关于传染病的作文,主要讨论传染病对人们的生活的影响,以及人们该如何预防. 嗯,这是我在网上找的,写的是甲流感,可以么?找了两篇,一篇短的,一篇长的,你自己看看吧、As we all know,now the H1N1 flu is quite serious and spreading rapidly.However,if we take good care of ourselves,we can protect us well from it.The simple ways are like these:1,we should keep our classrooms clean and at times open the windows to let in the fresh air.2,We should take some exercise to buil our body healthier.3,We seldom go to the crowded places,where there are probably spreaders.In one word,we can win the battle against the H1N1 flu as long as we unite in one and do something to control its spreading.第二篇The school I work with vows to strengthen the prevention and control of the A(H1N1)flu virus amid fears that the situation will worsen through winter.According to a statement released after a meeting held by the local education administration,schools are currently the key places in the fight against the virus and classes should be suspended\"properly\"to avoid mass infection when an 。


