《八十天环游地球》的英语读后感 80天环游地球 英语作文


80天环游地球读书笔记 读《八十天环游地球》有感近日,我在书店看了一本特别有趣的书,书名叫《八十天环游世界》这本书让我爱不释手,百看不厌书中的情节也可谓是跌宕起伏,读起来妙趣横生。这本书讲述了:一个名叫福克的英国人,在他的在他的仆人路路通的帮助下,以自己顽强不屈,坚持不懈的意志,克服了种种困难,最后完成了80天环游地球的壮举,80天环游地球,这在我们眼中纯属荒唐之举,但福克先生却完成了,仅用80天便坐船从英国出发,经过中国、日本、美国旧金山、孟买等各国各地,最后返回英国。读了这本书后,最让我感动的是福克先生那种有爱心、同情心、乐于助人的绅士品格。一路上,他不断用自己的钱帮助受苦受难的贫穷人,并且富有正义感,在困难面前冷静,沉着,遇到挫折不轻易放弃。不仅如此,我还从福克先生身上学到了珍惜时间,分秒必争的习惯,这也是他能用如此短暂的时间有利全球的重要原因。看看福克先生,再看看我,真是惭愧。做什么事情都拖拖拉拉,爱睡懒觉,只有在别人的催促下才能快速的做事。所以我要向福克先生学习,努力改掉这个坏习惯。这本书也向我们展示了各地的风土人情,还让我学到了地理知识呢。所以希望大家也能去看看这本书。

求一篇My favourite novel的英语作文 60词左右 有问题追问,祝好。【来自英语牛人团】【My favourite novel】My favorite novel is“Around the World in Eighty Days”which is written by Jules Verne.The author was born in France and devoted himself to literature and wrote several scientific romances,which gained him the name—Father of Modern Science Fiction.This is a book of science fiction which tells us an exciting story about an gentleman,Mr.Phileas Fogg,who made a bet with his clubmates and managed to travel around the world in eighty days.It gives us a vivid description of the many difficulties and incidents which happen on his journey.From this story,we can see the author's deep love for the sea,travel and adventure,which played a vital role in his life.We are also astonished and convinced by his fertile imagination and scientific and geographical knowledge.全文大意是:我最喜欢的小说是儒勒·凡尔纳写的《80天环游地球》.作者来自法国,把一生精力都奉献给了科幻创作,被称为科幻小说之父.这书讲的是主人公福特与朋友打赌,要在80天内环。

八十天环游地球的推荐理由,要全一点。 作者想像力丰富,让你忍俊不禁,为每个人实现环游地球得理想提供了一个范本

《八十天环游地球》的英语读后感 vbThis summer,my mother bought a lot of extracurricular books,\"Around the World in 80 Days,\"\"海底两万里.\"The\"Around the World in 80 Days\"This book is my favorite one of the books.On the main ch.


