学生家长也会参加的英语怎么说 英语翻译


校领导让学生家长参与期中监场是何用意? 我觉得挺好的。1.监督学生,现在手机作弊成风,家长在,孩子不好意思大胆作弊。2.让家长了解自己孩子在校表现,加强家庭学校结合教育和沟通。3.促进孩子家长相互理解包容。但家长如果不是专业人士不懂教育和考试,老师监考应该还是主导,家长只能是辅助。有学校己实施,家长反响不错 就是家长负责考前学生入场检查,收缴手机,分发稿纸,其他事情还是老师负责!效果不错!所以我建议学校监考家长可以适当参与。

学生家长也会参加的英语怎么说 英语翻译

英语翻译 1.First of all,thank you for your parents for taking the time to the parents' meeting.I declare,tall and class parents will formally began.2.Below into the first link.The class is introduced.3.Into the second link below.Time is like a fleeting show,through a year of this has passed.So below the class cadre summarize the general state of last term.4.The third link below.Have difficulty first rush out is the team leader,have the responsibility to first bear or when the team leader.Below each representative by summing up on each semester.5.Below into the fourth link.From the front of the class five introduce learning experience.6.Below into the last link.Please welcome you the teacher.

学生家长也会参加的英语怎么说 英语翻译

家长会的英文怎么说 家长会的英文:parents' meeting例:Last Friday,we had a special parents' meeting in our classroom.上周五,我们在教室里开了一次特殊的家长会。词汇解析1、parents英['pe?r?nts];美['p?r?nts]n.父母;双亲v.教养;引起n.(Parents)人名;(法)帕朗例:This is where a lot of parents go wrong.正是在这一点上许多父母都错了。例:Each unit including the parent company has its own,local management.每家单位,包括母公司,都有自己的地方管理层。2、meeting英['mi?t??];美['mit??]n.会议;会见;集会;汇合点v.会面;会合例:Can we have a meeting to discuss that?我们可以开个会来讨论那件事吗?例:The meeting decided that further efforts were needed.与会者认为进一步的努力是需要的。扩展资料一、parent的用法1、parent指父亲或母亲,复数parents指“双亲”。但在儿童语言中,表示“双亲”用father and mother比用parents更常见。2、parent用于文学语言夸张用语中,可表示“根源,开始”,通常用单数形式。3、parent在句中可修饰其他名词作定语,表示能够繁衍的“母体”。二、关于parent的短语1、parent metal 基层。

学生家长也会参加的英语怎么说 英语翻译


